Entry 3: Reflection by Lithoniel | World Anvil

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Lithie, XX day of XX Month (need calendar)

Entry 3: Reflection

by Lithoniel Genvyre

We were able to convince the villagers of Quickshore to give the goblins a trial period to see about being full citizens. It was honestly more successful than we had any reason to hope for but during that meeting when I was looking at all those angry eyes of the villagers, condemning Dos and his people because of their race...it took all of my willpower not to scream at them. I channeled a bit of my father at the meeting I think, shaming the group of people or at least taking on an air of a disappointed parent but deep down I wanted to punch someone.
My people are just as guilty of this as any. Our war with the Sauhgin has had us seeing them as sea devils for so long that I don't think my people, even the ones who were alive for the war like Master Shaman Caeda can see them as anything but the horrible monsters our tales and legends tell.
It made me thnk about Daskrin, the Saughin I met who was wounded by a shark on one of my solo outings around our home. After I'd nursed him back to health we'd talk and though he was a spy for his people, had openly admitted to it, he never got close to our homes on purpose. He was simply going through the motions, and especially after I had saved his life instead of leaving him to die, he felt he'd done the right thing. I wonder how he's doing? He was less than thrilled when I told him I was going beyond the fog. I miss him.
Willie seems to hate me now. I'm not sure I care. He's opening up to Mizzik though and since he hates goblins it's kind of encouraging to see him being friendly with the eccentric tinkerer. Millie has been more vocal lately too I've noticed. I hope Effie, Elric and Walter are ok as they travel back to the boat. Seems everyone has grown a bit since the dome. Perhaps Walter was right about us needing a moral center. I'm still not sure it should be me.

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  1. Entry One: Past the Fog
    Lithie, XX day of XX Month (need calendar)
  2. Entry Two: Well Shit.
  3. Entry 3: Reflection
    Lithie, XX day of XX Month (need calendar)