Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire by Cassius | World Anvil

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Wed 15th Jul 2020 05:19

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire

by Cassius Quietwind

That night's assassination was a particularly perilous one. Murdering important nobles doesn't exactly go over well with the city guards, and even when you think you're being extremely careful... well... things can go wrong. I had convinced the guards into thinking I was just a middleman and that the true conspirators of the murder were behind a local tavern. I ran like hell. I saw the guards fast approaching... then I tripped and plummeted down a hole. I ended up with a Fire Genasi, a Wood Elf, a Hobgoblin and a fellow Tiefling, and we were destined to defeat an ancient evil the likes of which the world had never seen.
Breaking out of jail would have been much easier.

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