My Betrayal of Nac'Kue by Petaluma | World Anvil

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Sat 20th Aug 2022 02:35

My Betrayal of Nac'Kue

by Petaluma Pitsniffer

Well... I betrayed Nac'kue. I dumped Cypher's ashes in the acid of the baby terask. We couldn't let Asmodious get ahold of them though. No matter what. SO I dumped 'em. I tried to do it without the others seeing so I would be the only one responsible. I don't want them getting hurt when shit hits the wind.
We got attacked ny roppers, manticores, and more ropers. Then I found the book we were all looking for. During the night, Teeth tried to steal it, but Lanmin saw him and woke us all up. I started to fight him, but then called the silver dragon and told her we had her Teeth and her book. She appeared, copied the book, and told Teeth to be our friend.