on principal by Zeder | World Anvil

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Thu 17th Jan 2019 03:50

on principal

by Zeder

i once studied a week strait for an arithmatic exam cuz we had to pass in order to take the trip to mirabar to see the anual mirar run. jessy and i had a plan to poke holes in a khyek belonging to a dwarf by the name of axel
and he was a mean bastard of a dwarf who did work with jesses father so we thougt it would be an apropriate jesture
but anyways i studyed non stop for this test. all day and all night and i new my fuckin matearial. back to front. day of the exam comes and im feeling confident. the queshton questons come and my ansers follow. i aced it. but at the top i sign my name Z (ben had recently givin me some insperation in a poem and i decided to go with it)
and the teacher gets my test, sees the name, grabs my arm and takes me imediately to principal carter and for the next hour i get scolded on the dangers of defeyeance defiance and the importance of respect and acountability whatever the fuck it had to do with my name. and so they tell me im gonna fail the exam if i dont right my name all proper and original given without concern for my damn sense of self
so i tell em to go fuck themselves...
...or i just told em i wouldnt do it and they failed me and i didnt get to go to mirabar with jess and she called me a dipshit for doing it and them a bunch of bastard fuckheads for what they did
so were here on our way to grakelsturg trying to formulate a plan and derendel wont go with it becuz he doesnt want to change his looks cuz he thinks his perception matters more than anything else in the whole wide world
and the fucked up thing is
hes right. derendel is the only person ive ever met who probably agrees with my filosophy more than any other and i told him he had to conform to our plan or fuck off cuz his life was on the line
but perception IS everything. the power to tell others that this is who i am and i dont give a fuck what you think i am. you will treat me how i want to be perceived. that was derendel and that is me. so by Leira strike me down if he ever meets his end cuz he was one of us. but i tried. i really did. bless that defiant delusonal royal bastard
hope for all our sakes this plan works
[Z's writings have typically bad handwriting, but the words below have uncharacteristically awful handwriting. You might guess that this is due to a lack of proper light source? Or perhaps due to an injured hand? Or even a cramped, hostile writing environment? It's probably some combination of all three.]

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were in jail now

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