Tyding Makes Some Friends...? by Tyding | World Anvil
Mon 7th Feb 2022 05:20

Tyding Makes Some Friends...?

by Tyding Grimm

Dearest Journal,
For years you have been my closest friend, my boon companion. Actually, that's still true, but I did meet several people today who may one day surpass you for my affection. Apparently we'd met before and arranged to reconnect today at an inn called the Spotted Dog or some such, but I must confess I have no recollection of any of that. It's fortunate, then, that when I stumbled outside at noon after breaking my fast in the dreary common room of the inn where I reside, I discovered the aforementioned potential friends waiting for me (and for one other, although, upon hearing the description of our missing companion, I rather suspect the chaps might have been engaging in some good-natured fun at my expense). It turns out that this Dog's Bollocks Inn where we agreed to meet is the very establishment where I hang my proverbial hat most evenings! Huzzah! Grandmummy strikes again it seems, always making sure I'm in the right place at the right time despite my best efforts to the contrary. It might be nice to make a decision now and again, but we've been through that before, you and I, and there's no need to spoil the magic of the day rehashing my old whinging.
Between the two of us, my steadfast friend, I still might have walked right past the lot of them had not our magnificent chum (you know the one; that delightful, blue-nosed ape-man with all the pots... Ah, yes. Gammy says his name is Moes) been among them. And well I didn't amble by, because, no sooner had we exchanged pleasantries, action arrived in the form of... The form of... Well, who can remember? What matters is that for once sweet, considerate GamGam let me draw steel and get a few solid jabs in. I was actually quite winded at the end (and, yes, at the very beginning too, if you must know). We were never in any real danger, of course. Despite appearances, GamGam wouldn't have let anything REALLY hurt us. She made it look quite dangerous though. That Fonzie fellow with the thick accent bleeds quite a lot. Oh, and there was a gnome with us as well. I wasn't certain he was in the group because he disappeared for most of the fight, but perhaps I simply forgot to glance down.
In any case, it all went swimmingly, and after the fisticuffs we even shared some of that vile swill masquerading as tea in this part of the world. The group wants to continue our burgeoning friendship by banding together so that we might labor in return for rewards of goods or services. How dreadfully proletariat! I was prepared to take my leave of them at that point, but Grandmummy says I mustn't. And, I suppose, however distasteful the activity might seem, any relief from the monotony of my continued existence should be welcomed.
Work or no, another adventure awaits me tomorrow, gentle journal. Apparently, we're to go to some theater where ghouls cavort on the stage and put a stop to it. .. Or help them dance better? I tuned most of that out, I'm afraid. I'm sure someone will tell me. Until then, I remain -

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