Linwrick's note to his children. by Linwrick | World Anvil

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Linwrick's note to his children.

by Cardinal of The Moss Linwrick Mossfoot

[Note for after his death that has been left over in his room]

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The note is written in the usual scruffy and rather child like writing that can immediately be recognised as the halflings. As always there are a few mossy stains about on the page that could have come from his cloak or perhaps other moss’s he had about at the time.
If you are reading this I can only hope that you may be able to speak to my soul once more within the moss, yes indeed… For I am dead, yes yes indeed it seems to be. Yes. I do however ask of you a few things, I do indeed. To be heard one final time, yes yes yes. Firstly, a request I honestly do not know, no I don’t, how hard it might be to do, yes yes. But I request of my kindest of friends that if my body is retrievable that I be buried where the ground under is peat and contains plenty of peat moss, yes indeed. I wish to give my body to the moss, and my soul shall live within through what I hope to be the grace of Inca to allow this, indeed I indeed hope it to be so. Make sure my body is indeed covered in this peat moss, yes indeed.
Secondly I wish to say thank you to everyone who had supported me, indeed yes yes, I could not have got this far without all my good and kind friends, not at all. So many friends of all kinds, they have all made my life one that was truly worth living, indeed it is so. You each know who you are, yes, to me you were everything, yes indeed it was so. To a few specific people I have a few specific things to say, yes indeed that is also very much so.
To my daughter, Aislyn, yes yes. My dear Aislyn, you and your brother are everything that I am, truly it is so. Go on with strife and dignity, yes just as you have been. Accept what you are and who you are, indeed, accept your place within the moss and strive to better the world as such, indeed please do so, yes. Flower from the Great Dream, I’m sure that in time you’ll know your purpose in this world but remember balance. Indeed yes, follow your nature and direction truly, yet also seek to sway with the unpredictable winds of discordant times, yes yes, just as your mother does so brilliantly, indeed that is truly so.
To my son, Flynn, truly yes. You’re strong, I can already see that, yes yes. Strong of will and already strong of ability too, yes truly yes. Indeed I can see you being true to yourself and your deeds having much surety within them within the future, yes yes that is indeed so. As your mother has always say, seek the look after you sister as I hope she too will look after you, indeed, keep each other safe in my absence and embody what I can no longer be for you, yes. I’m sure you shall find your commitment in time to your own personal direction, yes yes indeed. I hope that you strive for The Moss as I have, but truly your direction is yours to walk and navigate too, yes. Let me and The Moss in and truly indeed, I’ll always be with you truly it will indeed be so.
Vishla, the energy I see in your eyes dance about wishing to be free. Let it be so, indeed yes. Allow your passion to shine within this world and show it just what change you are capable of for the good of everyone, truly. The influences you have are many and perhaps even confusing I am sure, perhaps it is so, yes yes… Don’t be dissuaded, use them to guide you just as The Moss guides us all, indeed yes. Your path will be forged with their aid but ultimately your own decisions, indeed. I see more of your mother, Freya, in you each day, yes. I have never doubted you and never will, not at all. Strive for what is right in your heart and you’ll never do wrong, not by The Moss, indeed not at all.

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