Letter from Emperatrix by Nak'Cue | World Anvil

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Mon 2nd May 2022 03:45

Letter from Emperatrix

by Nak'Cue

Mariana, had given us documents to prove we are trying to help. Estanople has lost contact with Akthuna, Vvathofh's government has fallen, and Raposh held interest to the lynch Queen in the past from a book found in the catacombs. We couldn’t decide where to go. Munnin contacted Zybnin to see if we could give notice that we will arrive in Akthuna but he said the dark one rules there. We need to get ahead of all of this and not walk into a army so I turned Drizzy into a cat, placed him on my shoulder and opened a door to trees I have seen before in Asharckato. It’s as close as I can get to route to Raposh. On arrival right away we notice the purest White clouds surrounding the tower in the center of the city. Everyone here in town seems terrified we tried to even talk to a tavern keeper and couldn’t get much information. I changed into a giant eagle to fly up and see what’s going on with these clouds atop the clouds I noticed a large structure. We all decided to rest up for the evening I’m going to check it out tomorrow a few of us slept outside with Drizzy the others stayed in the inn. Ozzy casted gate for us to travel straight into the structure and it is filled with treasure. Adelious greeted us with threats, we did just trespass into a treasury of some sort so hostility is to be expected. We tried to calmly talk but I felt she was going to attack so I prepared myself defensively. Then the unexpected happened, she turned into her original form of a silver dragon but oddly the gold collar she had on as a human transformed with her as a slave collar around the dragon neck. This battle was strange from what we gathered Adelious used to govern this city very well and was a nice person. I believe the collar was making her evil so we’re not looking to try to kill the dragon just remove the collar. Needless to say this battle got hairy and a lot of us got pretty hurt. I managed to transform it into a tiger Ozzy put it to sleep next all we had to do was remove the collar. I’ve been hurt many different ways but I can tell you as of today I am not a fan of being mentally hurt to psychic daggers hit me from Munnin. As I ripped the collar off the sleeping tiger Munnin ran straight for me so I held the collar up high and she hugged me. She tried to psychically connect with the dragon and the queen intervened taking control of her telling her not let them remove the collar. Being on edge from this battle I turned the party into gaseous clouds and we let Munnin psychically connect with the tiger and I dropped the polymorph. Munnin explained did not mean to harm you we just wanted to help. This is the first time I have ever witnessed or heard of it dragon sharing some of it hoard, as the silver dragon flipped over two precious stones.