Jigow by Ciarán | World Anvil

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2nd of Quen'pillar 836 PD


by Ciarán Ó Dálaigh

Jigow is quite unlike anything in the Imperium. It seems to exist by pure stubbornness, layered on stilts and paddies over an unforgiving river. I expected to disdain the place, but I find it hard not to admire it, even if it is mostly populated by goblins and orcs. The air here to the Dynasty is not completely subjugated, the spirit not completely crushed. Still, I cannot live openly, and I have stashed my armor away in an inn.

They celebrate this time with a Festival of Merit. It is difficult to enjoy merriment when my task is so grim, yet I cannot pass opportunities to make inquisitions when most everyone is distracted by the glamor of competition. I have even entered in some myself and have earned some coins that may prove helpful.

I have observed some among the crowd that appear singular, perhaps foreign like myself. We have been fated to join the final competition together. One of them I met after I dangerously (foolishly) jumped into the Ifolon to save a woman. It was more savage than Erdeloch I grew up swimming in, and it took great exertion to get myself back alive. The woman seemed to fair better than me on her own. A young man appeared with a message for the woman, but he did not seem to gain any of her trust. I recall others like him in my youth: shiftless and truly in need of a cause other than themselves.

Later, he asked me to join in a harvesting contest. My instinct is to avoid attention and these games, but I considered that it might be in my favor to gain help if this young man, Ezra, proves to be trustworthy. I have observed him risk himself for the health of others, so there may yet be something in him. The last months of travel have convinced me that my oath is a marathon, not a sprint. If I am to take on the whole of Xhorhas to find Fionn, and to find him alive, then it will take help to beat the passage of time.

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