Chum in the Water (FAFO 8) by Douglass | World Anvil

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Wed 29th Nov 2023 01:32

Chum in the Water (FAFO 8)

by Douglass Foxglove

Bruno's hippie heaven getting stoned and bare their souls to one another.
Now there are crawfish wanting to eat us!
They surrounded us, but they were druggy people and let us walk away.
Ojibwe tribe, ancient totem spirit that was responsible for anything that fucks with people around lakes or spirits (drownings, crafts around the lake etc)
Nothing tied to it within the last 100 years
they appeased it - as a tribe they had enemies captives, they would sacrifice to the lynx in an attempt to appease it, or animals
the sacrifices seemed to work for them the lakes calming and fewer deaths.
white man pissed it off - divert rivers, fuck with the natural flow of things - reverse the river in chicago made it mad (near the chicago fire 1880s)
Blood tests show that there is a difference before and after the weed
Andee has less of an effect, because she was wearing a mask
Andee remembers that the security cameras were hard wired - not wifi. But there might be a hard drive or storage somewhere that we could get access too. Security Link company is the camera company. it's a lesser known company. More commercial grade systems, lots of add ons that you can do.
Go to the sewers when we think Lester and Bruno are busy with other things. Go there when there is not a drop first - and then maybe follow them in, once we process the info we hope to gather. Investigate the sewers or see if something has changed down there. Body drops every 2-3 weeks. It was a waxing crescent moon.
Library - how to halt them (me)
Andee - library work on where they hide and who they are
Frank will mount the artwork from Shelly, and will work with Leslie to craft masks and be prepared
Leslie work on masks - craft medicine and maybe make protection type things