Captain’s Log 7 The Cabin in the woods. by Dreadnought | World Anvil

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Sat 3rd Feb 2024 05:13

Captain’s Log 7 The Cabin in the woods.

by Dreadnought

When we reached the other end of the teleport circle we ended up in an alpine forest on the side of a mountain. Just up the hill we could see a cabin within these woods. When we got closer to we noticed that this cabin was 3 stories tall. We walked to the front door and walked in. The first room we were in was a mud room. Zachery opened a door to reveal a staircase that went up and split off in two different directions. Goodnight sent Wix to scout the building and in one room there was 20+ kobolds sleeping. Goodnight took out her pot and starts chanting and mixing random looking ingredients. A surge of arcane energy rushed into the cauldron and then a shadowy presence came out of it. This entity vanished from the room. Then we started hearing screams of horror, death, and kobolds rethinking their lifes.
We entered the main hall with the staircase and two stone golems came to life. But not for long, we turned them into dust quickly. Then a troll and some drakes entered. They also fell quickly. Last but not least this woman and two guards came from the top floor. It was difficult to maneuver around due to the close quarters combat we were in. Goodnight fell twice and I ended pocket her up both those times. But she had a mangled arm. Yet again we were victorious. Now we just need to find out what secrets this place holds.