Interview with The Duchess by Chad | World Anvil

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Season 1 - Vanity PPV

Interview with The Duchess

by Chad Livingston

Hello America welcome to the news here at Rush hour the time is currently 12.30 I'm Chad Windsor
Chad- wrestling the latest craze with the buildup of the hit wrestling show Skyline ignite wrestling. with there men and woman competing for championships to show there the best. Racking millions of viewers on there live show today I'm joined by one those wrestlers Kyra Ashton
(Live feed pops up showing Kyra holding the sweetheart championship)
Chad- Thank you for giving us a moment of your time. Also congrats on the being champion to with. But there is alot of controversy on social media about you actually being the champion first of all, you should have been eliminated and second since you won the championship you have failed to win a match was it luck?
Kyra- well Chad thank you. Second of all I earned my spot be in that match the ref could call what he didn't see. What people fail to understand prior to that I was on a winning streak, becoming a champion is a lot of hard work and dedication sleepness nights long training hours. It was luck I pinned the champion at the end of that match to become the champion. I'm going through some fatigue.
Chad- fatigue so you're saying with some rest you will actually be able to retain the title. Cause like @IloveWaffles202 says on twitter your unfit to be a champion you can't even with a exhibition match... How do you respond?
Kyra- well I don't mind criticism to be honest I've had it since day one. What I say to ilovewaffles we put are body's on the line day in day out in that ring. We walk away with bruises,dislocations,breaks. Never certain how a match can go they might have a better day than you or your suffering from something the night before and don't want to let people down. Being a champion is that extra to be better than everyone else. It can put a strain on you
Chad- when you say bruises so it is just all smoke and mirrors
(Kyra stands up showing her stomach with a black bruise)
Kyra- does that look fake to you beep hurts but I will get out this funk I've been in prove I've earned this title and continue to be the champion.
Chad- well thank you for your time miss Ashton. Now if you want to watch Skyline Ignite every Tuesday at 8pm over on the sports channel to catch Kyra and the other men and woman over there. now over to Michelle for the news
(Written by The Duchess Kyra Ashton)

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  1. Interview with The Duchess
    Season 1 - Vanity PPV