Second Times the Charm by Lulubell | World Anvil

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Second Times the Charm

by Lulubell Turem

Weary and almost beaten , my comrades and I traveled back to our small town, or whatever it is to be called, since it has no buildings. I must confess I am growing weary of sleeping in tents but remain hopeful that I will soon have the funds to invest in a small abode, that I will gladly pay the carpenters who have traveled with us, to build. As, I am not one to give up so easily and since I am loathe to admit it but I was quite embarrassed to be bested by a small group of goblins, I resolved myself to reform my my small group and head back to the caves once more. I am convinced that they hide great things if only I can venture deeper.
I found new party members, some from the last group and a new face, A rather boisterous fellow that proved to be quite useful in assisting me in my searches through the caves. We traveled the three days back to the caves uneventfully, but it was not to remain so. We slowly and cautiously continued on into the cave that we had been in before when soon we came upon more of the monsters. Luck was on our side this time as we were able to quickly dispatch our foes, but one was able to escape us and sound an alarm while it ran back down into the depths. As we did not know what lay beyond I suggested that we backtrack slightly and take the tunnel that we hadn't yet gone down that was in the opposite direction of any possible ambush that may be forming.
Going down the other tunnel proved to be as smart a move as I had thought. We were able to get the drop on another group of goblins that were milling about. With the help of some of my ancestral magic and a few caltrops, as well as, a well placed thunderwave spell we were able to finish them off with no harm coming to us. Upon further inspection of where the goblins were we found a small hoard hidden underneath a barrel of goblin swill. Having found this and also mapped out the caves enough to grant us even more branchin paths to choose from we decided to head back to town before our luck ran out.

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  1. Vacations
  2. New Friends?
  3. Second Times the Charm
  4. Close Encounters
  5. More of the Same