A Simple Delivery: The Postman Always Slays Twice by Guillermo | World Anvil

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Fri 10th May 2019 12:07

A Simple Delivery: The Postman Always Slays Twice

by Guillermo Pynn

Guillermo awakes in a deep sleep, it’s been days since he felt the warm of a bed after a good night of soaking in a tub washing out the grime and gunk of the sewers. He stretches and his feet hit the cold floor, time to see what their mysteries benefactor wants them to do.
He checks in with the others and they all head down to the common area, breakfast is being served. Tilde is resting at a table, he feet up and the brim of her hat pulled down as if she had been waiting for us to finally arrive.
Our freedom comes with a small price, she tells us. She has a task for us to do, a simple delivery. He holds out an envelope that has a wax seal and a design on it. Bartertown is a few days east of her and she wants us to bring it to a “Fetch Quest” office there and they will take care of the rest.
Krilong is cautious about this delivery thinking it’s got to be some catch to it. Alshta thinks it’s only fair since after all Tilde freed us from the cells. We accept this assignment and proceed to the stables were Tilde had fetched the horses from Kratas. The only problem is that Guillermo doesn’t have a mount, as discussion is underway who should he ride with. Guillermo walks down the stables, grabs a saddle from a post and approaches a horse and puts the saddle on it, leads the horse out of it’s stall and joins the party.
“Problem solved,” he quips.
The group decides to leave the stables and town before the owner of the horse discovers that it is missing.
They leave the shanty town and ride through the hills and plains, fording a great river and proceeding to bed down for the night. Watches are set up and everyone has a chance to get some shut-eye before something mysterious happens.
It seems the earth is shifting, as vines move and small pumpkins begin to grow. Guillermo is awoken by this and is cautioned by those on watch. They seem to know what is going on but he doesn’t.
A Pumpkinesque being appears, apparently this group had an encounter with it and now it has come back to give them a gift for their services rendered. It’s a set of “bracers” and the creature melds back into nature just as it had appeared. Alshta is paranoid about the gift, the others are weary but accept them none-the-less.
The group travels for a few days, then one morning storm is brewing and we move to find some place to hold up. But, suddenly a patrol of Ork Sorchers appear on the horizon and Guillermo panics and fires off a arrow. Thus, the Orks ride in full charge and a battle takes place.
As arrows fly, lances level and swords clash, this battle seems to be on even ground. Thus the ork leader bellows and tries to shake our morale, we still engage in combat.
Eventually the leader of the scorchers challenge the cavalryman to a joust. It’s an honour challenge and the scorchers and party agree to it. The ork says if he wins he demands all our silver, but if the cavalryman wins then we can cross through there land without fear. We didn’t realize that we were encroaching on someone’s territory.
Which challenge excepted, the joust is one intense scene since the calvaryman hadn’t been rolling in his favour during the session. Though, in the end the dice more than ever rolled higher than ever before.
The lance knocking the ork scorcher off his mount and unto the ground, and everyone held their breath. The leader stood and acknowledged the blow and honoured the challenge. Also given us a strip off the banner they carried to show that we earned our crossing through their territory.
So now the party continues to Bartertown.

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