Big Damn Heroes by Corabell | World Anvil

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Tue 8th Feb 2022 08:50

Big Damn Heroes

by Corabell Rimefeather

So the Big Kahuna of Cranky, Vindur, is pissed at us for some reason. And as much as the staff here are a bunch of no fun stick-in-the-muds, at least they aren't blowing holes in peoples' ceilings and sending their cranky-ass knights everywhere to, like, invade a school AND a refugee settlement and start attacking stuff because they're all pissy about something. You know what? Screw that guy.
So a group of students started organizing a field trip to bring supplies to the refugees, who were freezing their asses off while getting shit stomped. Getting outside the ol' prison walls? SIGN ME UP. I heroically procured all manner of supplies (blankets, warm clothes, snacks) from involuntary volunteers who will come to realize that giving is more important than having, I'm sure. We were then assigned teams to go down to the camp. I landed in a group with Felyx (who's alright, fairly cool dude - I really like his bagpipes!) and Zoku (new kid, has a mad creepy hand, really likes purple, coolness factor TBD). We all took different ways outside and met up at the edge of the camp.
I mean, the whole place was a shitshow. Lightning, snow, fog, wanton destruction, knights swinging their dicks around, the whole thing. NGL: kinda exciting. As we made our way into the camp to find people to help, we came across 3 mephits. Felyx and Zoku were able to sneak past them, but my aura of awesomeness must have tipped them off, because they spotted me. Luckily, Zoku whipped up a small illusion that distracted them long enough for me to get past. I really, really wanted to smite all of them with fire, but I knew they were no match for me, so I showed them my benevolent mercy. Be free, my Mephits (and maybe stop working for Team Dick).
After managing to plant a couple of portable grounding rods, we rounded a corner and came across a partially collapsed structure. We could hear someone crying for help, saying they were trapped and their sister was there, but had stopped talking. TIME TO BE HEROES! Zoku used his creepy Arms of Hadar to start lifting big pieces of rubble while Felyx did his best to help. I used Faerie Fire to figure out exactly where the two were under all the debris. I saw some beams tilting dangerously and tried to right them, but it was really hard! Felyx tried talking to the one sister, but she panicked and began thrashing around, trying to get out. The beams gave and the whole pile went WOOMPH. We called out to the girl but we didn't get a response. What we were doing wasn't working, so we switched it up. Zoku used his freaky arms to steady the rest of the unstable mess and I used Mage Hand to help him. Felyx moved over to rubble clearing duty and managed to make a hole big enough for us to pull out the first sister. She was banged up, but not super bad, although she was unconscious. Felyx cast Healing Word on her while Zoku started a fire to keep her warm and prevent further shock. I saw that I was big enough to wedge myself into the hole, so I dove into the debris like the hero that I am and found the other sister who did not. Look. Good. I pulled her out as far as I could, but my heroic muscles are only so muscley so I had to ask Felyx to pull her completely free. She was in super bad shape. Felyx used his bagpipes to stabilize the sisters with heals; then we scooped them up and made a beeline back to the Academy.
Just as I was wondering how the heck the five of us were going to get back up, we came across two wardens who were policing the grounds and trying to stop students from getting outside and helping because OF COURSE THEY WERE. They looked like they were about to give us a scolding and a 6 week pass to detention, but once they saw we were already heading back AND were carrying two very injured refugees, they helped us return to HQ in the kitchens. Zoku and Felyx scooted off with the sisters, but I was seeing red. Like, what's the point of standing there like a lump, trying to stop students from HELPING people and not doing anything to protect them? Isn't that their JOB as a warden? So I told them off, saying that the whole "stopping students from getting into the refugee camp" ship has sailed and is on the other side of the world. So seeing as how they failed at preventing students from getting into the camp, they should try to protect the ones who are there (not to mention the refugees), ESPECIALLY since the Knights of TerraNimrod think it's cool to attack REFUGEES and KIDS.
And it worked!! I wouldn't admit this to anyone, but I was kind of surprised! A lot of times I can talk myself out of trouble, but when I start getting angry and lippy, my chances of success go down quite a bit. But I'm learning how to press the button in peoples' brains that will allow me to do what I want -- magically and non-magically. Gotta say it feels good. ANYWAY, I felt my little "talk" needed a little post-script, just in case. "And if you're thinking of punishing or expelling anyone, you're gonna have to punish or expel pretty much ALL of us!" I mean, 1) it's true and 2) I don't want this little episode to come back and bite me in the ass. But, I mean, if they think detention is more important than students taking the initiative during a freakin' INVASION by a freakin' grumpy GOD, then they REALLY need to get their priorities straight. I mean, detention hall may not even exist tomorrow. (Oh, that'd be nice!)
Anyway, I'm a BIG DAMN HERO, natch. Now if only I could find Untermauler's sack in all this chaos. I think the cousins would have a great time in all this chaos. FREEDOM FOR THE FEY!