Entry #6 by Qemuel Hope | World Anvil

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12th of Collexis, 1078

Entry #6

by Qemuel Hope

As we head out again the first snow this year begins to fall. I like the snow. For a few short hours snow dampens the noises of the world, and covers all of the ugliness in a sheet of white. The world is a canvas and our footsteps are the first brushstrokes in a new painting. We continue on towards A-. While on the road the Musician tries to make conversation with the Girl. He asks about her past and other information. He is not unfriendly but she makes it clear that she isn’t going to reveal anything. We came upon a group of four travelers stopped on the road. It was during this time that I noticed that forest seemed especially dark and menacing despite it being about midday. As I was surveying our surroundings I heard them mention “walking dead”. That must be what the Girl was talking about earlier. Then I heard them mention “ambush” and in a second I was back. I wasn’t afraid, I was numb. It all felt so familiar, the tensing of the muscles in my legs, my weight on the balls of my feet, each footstep silent in the snow, my hand gripped around my blade. There was no difference between the then and the now. How easily the real and past blurred worries me.
The Musician, the Girl and I headed south into the woods beside the road. The other party decided to head to forest north of the road. As we patrolled the south section of forest for possible undead presence we heard a loud noise.
I hadn’t heard a scream like that in a long time. I had hoped to never hear someone scream like that again.
As we had found nothing up to this point we turned and headed northward to investigate the source of the sound. Our search led us to the northern section of forest. We came upon a few figures standing over the bodies of the other traveling party. It was evident that these figures were the undead presence that we had been alerted to and that they had slain the other travelers. We engaged the enemy on sight. After a brief altercation all of the undead were neutralized. We burned the undead, and performed rudimentary funeral services for the traveling party. We continued towards A-.
I don’t remember much of the fight. The fighting was a lot faster than I remember it being. While my mind is all too ready for combat, the rest of me is not. I was too slow and out of practice. The husks landed a few solid blows on me, if I had been sharper, when I was sharper, I avoided those. Both my companions proved themselves very valuable. The Girl was remarkably proficient in swordcraft and seems to possess potent magical capabilities herself. If we had soldiers like her, so many would still be alive. The Musician’s magic proved itself more than suitable for combat. I wonder what his story is.

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  6. Entry #6
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