Leaving the cove (summary of past years) by Evamia | World Anvil

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Fri 10th Dec 2021 05:54

Leaving the cove (summary of past years)

by Evamia Iltani

As excited as I am about the ring, and the proposed living arrangements, walking out of the Cove for the last time still has a pang of sadness. Sure there weren't as many chances to get to know other people with adjusting to the academy, but, I will always remember getting to spend time in and around the water of the Cove.
First year was in some ways the hardest, going from the slower paced and religious focused learning of the priests, to the slightly faster paced, and magic focused learning of the academy. Getting my mind in gear for the faster paced learning took a fair bit of the first year, and it certainly was a ramp to get there. The end of year project was thankfully somewhat easy, as I continued to practice the sewing that mother taught me.
The second year was decidedly easier, I was able to take an elective in spiritualism, which worked well for me, I learned more about other religions of the lands, and was able to share about my own experiences with the priests of Leveran! I then did a write up on one of the other religions that we learned about, and presented it to the teachers! It was very fulfilling to learn about how other people interact with their titans and their practices.
Third year things god really interesting! More and more people were around to talk with, and I learned about runes! I did another presentation, on the runes used by one religion, why they held significance, where the power came from, I really enjoyed that year, and I did the best I had done of any year on that project.
I hope the years to come are as exciting, or even more!

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