I've been Betrayed by Godram | World Anvil
Mon 8th Mar 2021 12:03

I've been Betrayed

by Godram Goldoroth

I was off scouting with my party when we heard something in the distance, we sent Grithmy ahead to investigate. After he came back with news of a camp we skirted the outside of the camp hoping not to be detected but alas it was no use. We were seen by the party as we entered a small forest. It was quite obvious right away that we were no match but I wasn't giving up so easily. When they approached and spoke of peace I didn't believe them for a second, You think I am just going to allow these people to walk up and befriend me then betray me. No I was going down but not without a fight. Almost my entire party betrayed me and immediately joined them as soon as they mentioned free gear. Of course Grithmy was the only one who wouldn't necessarily join them but at least didn't get himself killed. When I woke up next we were approaching a town where one of their members seemed to have won a bet against the guards, we won a drink and when I entered the tavern I got the usual weird looks from everyone inside. We ended by bunking at an inn giving the well needed sleep throughout the next few weeks we will look for a cult of necromancers, I hope to learn from these people and their magic.

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