Two Pythias by Xene | World Anvil

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Fri 18th Jun 2021 07:51

Two Pythias

by Xene

Wedding of Pirithous will repeat. This is not the line I ever thought I would start my travel journal with. Today I was lucky or damned enough to receive not one, but two prophecies from two Pythias. The first one was vague and ominous. It said: war between centaurs and humans, blood, and history repeating itself. The second one gave me the name of Pirithous and a hope to prevent the killing.
Is it wrong, that I am more exited about adventures with these new creatures that I met, than about a possibility to save my kind? I don't want a war, I just don't want this to be mine responsibility. I am not ready.
I want to hunt the boar with Zephyra, to save Roineryn's husband from a dark cave, to see the flying city of Eriklien... To feel the freedom and diversity of the real world, not to be dragged as a trigger of some ancient conflict repeating.
The Pythia herself was put in a political game of some kind, with two parts of a cult controlling her answers. She was supposed to be a messenger of her God, but instead she is probably punished for revealing too much information to Roineryn ( they kicked her out, and closed the doors to the temple).
But mostly I am ashamed. I am supposed to avoid people until I can make sure I know how to prevent the massacre. Instead, I socialize. I create connections. I feel attracted to them, and I let myself be attracted.
Roineryn is right, and if I were a true warrior, I would chain myself to the wall of the deepest hole in the mountains. But I am not. And, as it was said, my emotions will be the end of me.

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