4.th Adventure by Oxton | World Anvil

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Sat 20th Mar 2021 08:36

4.th Adventure

by Oxton Light

4. Adventure
The group went to journey away from the front of war together with the walking armour and goblin wife to find more peaceful grounds. On their journey they found a woman who claimed to be the banished wife of the blue lord. Together they came across a small village of goblin who, despite logic and knowing better, chose Gromman as their deity of choice. Probably because it gave them an excuse to keep beating each other.
To take a break from their barbaric and underdeveloped cutlure, the heroes went to take a break in the beer storage, which turned out to be the long deserted basement of a tavern. In its interior, the group discovered further, secret sections which they explored. Those passeges soon revealed skeletons of long deceased strangers, a spear sticking out of the ground, and gold coins. Further inspection led the group to caves which had held a blue slime family and an icosahedron. Serendipity, curious about the magical artefact, touched it not soon after the slimes were exterminated which brought a, barely noticable, yet undiscovered (by Oxton) change.
At their return from their "quick" inspection of their discovered passages the group had met their previous comradees waiting outside, but with drastic changes.
The metal man, Sable, had rusted considerable, and showed signs of wear.
His wife, Khionk, looked much older and tired. Aged by more than ten years.
Rimvault, the ork shaman and former wife of the cruel king, is gone. Presumably long perished in the wars outside.
The goblin village has been razed more than five years ago by humans, and little is known about the world at its current time

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