Arrival in Kelathar by Vestele | World Anvil

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17th Horsebow Moon, 1173

Arrival in Kelathar

by Vestele Styger

17th of the Horsebow Moon, 1173
After some tedious travel, I finally made it to Kelathar today around evening and found the place where I was to meet with my contact, The Fire Flower Tavern. I hoped that after my long journey something would go right, and my meeting with my contact would be quick and I could start on the next job. But of course, nothing ever goes the way I hope it will.
Took a look around the tavern but the only person of note was someone hooded sitting in the corner. I took a seat at a table near them, maybe they were my contact but I doubted it. A bit later, some cheerful Ardent came over, looking to spread the word of Vorinism, which is definitely not what I needed after just arriving to the city. But she seemed young and so perky so I thought it would be too cruel to just ignore her. I listened to her spiel and took her pamphlet; cute drawing but not very informative, only said: "Vorinism is Cool!"...but her heart is in the right place I suppose.
After she left, I saw the hooded person hurry upstairs but I didn't get a good look at them. I had a feeling they probably weren't my contact...
Sometime later, something big and angry as hell crashed through the tavern wall. Ran outside and saw a mechanical creature causing havoc in the street, with a small group fighting it back. I hide and saw an opening in the armor of this creature and took my chance. Got one of my knives right in between its gears, which looked like it delayed it a bit. A few more hits form this ragtag group and the creature went down.
After all the fighting, I got my knife back scratched up from this half-elf who was working on fixing the creature; apparently it belongs to him. I also felt a strange breeze, I figured someone in the group healed us but I didn't have a need for it. I went back to my table inside and eavesdropped on the Ardent speaking to the hooded person from before; it turns out they know each other, childhood friends.
It's too late for my contact to show up, so I rented a room in the tavern. I would've preferred not to but maybe they'll show up eventually.

Continue reading...

  1. Arrival in Kelathar
    17th Horsebow Moon, 1173
  2. A New Job Opportunity
    18th Horsebow Moon
  3. Bodyguard duty and Carriage Fight
    20th Horsebow Moon
  4. Sebrezal’s Betrayal
    21st Horsebow Moon