Bear 5 (or whenever) by Isolda | World Anvil

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Bear 5

Bear 5 (or whenever)

by Isolda Trident

(The following is incomplete due to this being the first entry after several days playing this campaign, add to that apparently the player didn't write down all the details)
A strange being I saw said that there are two sides to every story. We rescued a bunch of villagers from the cultists. We found ourselves in what looked to be a temple. But one thing that crossed my mind as I thought about what the strange being said to me: what had the villagers done to deserve such a fate? To enter the building, Pepper, Peter and I all had to fight our way in. I got close to dying.
There was a statue on the wall as we entered the second room. "Beginning of eternity and end of every place," was carved into the wall above the statue. Peter and I both called out: "The letter E!" Nothing happened. Pepper lifted up Peter so that he could touch all the letter e's. Again, nothing.
Below the statue was a box carved of the same stone. There was a slight indent to show that it was there. I poked my harpoon into the indent. There was a small sense of give but the box stayed closed. Same thing when Pepper put his rubies in the indent. Peter pushed with his hands. Still nothing.
We went back to the main room. All that was in there was a bunch of rubbish. We looked at the doors in the room. The right door had a pontiff on it, the left door had a Kobald carved into it. And the middle double doors had a foreign unknown language carved into it. Pepper tapped a couple of the words there. Peter, who had stayed in the statue room decided to join us. He attempted to break the door using his pillar, which crumbled on impact, leaving the door looking like it had never even been touched.
Everything except the door was enchanted. The writing was in multiple languages. The mother was referenced everywhere, mention of how she had been betrayed by the other gods. The mother wanted to be stronger. That was why the cultists did the living sacrifices, to make her stronger.
We went back to the room with the statue. Pepper poked himself with a dart and put his blood in the indent. Talk about unhygienic, ugh! There was no change. We couldn't find a key to open the box with. I searched by the door and Pepper and Peter found nothing either. We turned back to the doors. We decided to go through the left one. Bright light filled our eyes as we entered an Arabian style library. There were bookshelves in here, all throughout the room as far as the eye could see. There were also three tables with steaming mugs on them.
We stepped out for a moment, talked about what was in there and added a couple of random items (what those were is not written in this journal) that Pepper and I mentioned. Pepper picked up one of the mugs and sipped from it. It was simply normal coffee. A woman dressed in fancy blue Egyptian clothing similar to what Cleopatra wore appeared as Peter and I turned to leave the room. She wore a hood to hide her face.
"Don't question when a blessing has been given," She said to us.
"Who are you?" I demanded, hand tightening on my harpoon.
"Who are you to enter my house?" She asked, giving us a warning before vanishing.
Pepper found books in the strange language we'd seen earlier, but he wasn't able to learn much from them.
I myself wandered over to the fish tank. I saw lots of fish in the tank, most of them species I knew. I also saw a reflection of a mosaic that featured a lion, a serpent, an orca, an elk, an elephant and a wolf.
Pepper looked in on the other door. He found a tomb that had a kobold warrior that had an elk on his shield. carved onto the the tomb was the image of the woman we'd just seen. He called on Bastet but got no response. He opened the tomb to find the skeleton of a Kobold. It held an elephant statue. When Pepper came back, I showed him the mosaic in the tank.
Peter fell into a pile of books. Pepper helped him up. I found a random book as I was cleaning them up and putting them back on the shelf. It was a book safe. There was another riddle: "He who made it doesn't want it, he who bought it doesn't need it, and he who needs it doesn't know when."
I had heard this riddle before and knew the answer: A coffin. I said the answer out loud. The pages turned to an open space where I found the statue of an elk. We found the rest of the statues throughout the library.
We returned to the room with the statue to put the animal statues in the box. However, all didn't fit. We put the animals into the alcoves, all except the elk and elephant, since they both started with the letter E. Those we put in the box.
The door opened to reveal a pool of water. I entered the pool. As I stood in the pool, I saw visions of people being tied to the spires in there. Their energy flowed from them in a white flame to a central spire. The pool was once much deeper. Below me were spectral shapes swimming toward me. I could hear moaning and howling. I told the others what I'd seen.
Peter knocked on one of the crystals. He felt a dark energy but saw nothing. Pepper licked one (as he is wont to do) and got zapped by it. He went numb. We went downstairs, only to find a dragon. Pepper tried to communicate with it after we ran up and down the stairs. We returned to the room with the pool and the crystals after the dragon, which had destroyed them. We heard stairs crunch. The dragon attempted to go upstairs, trying to fry us now and then. (Fried mermaid, yum) The crystals shattered and souls were released. We went toward the dragon, which was whimpering. Then, silence. We left the room to find the dragon as a skeleton. There was no flesh, no muscle, just a skeletal dragon.
There was an altar with fresh corpses on it. The dragon had started to eat them. There were no gems there. The altar had channels drilled into it to drain the blood. We went up a walkway to find what might be a changing room. There was a staff and some ceremonial clothing. There was a feeling of emptiness. We walked to the door and inserted the staff. On the other side of the door there was an office. There was a map there, marked with X's. Peter took the map. Pepper opened the chest and removed treasure and parchment scrolls written in the same strange language. We went back to the courtyard where we started out here. we entered a building that was closer to the way down. Pepper took first watch while Peter and I slept.

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  1. Bear 5 (or whenever)
    Bear 5