Entry 5 by Lillyanna | World Anvil

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Mon 25th Nov 2019 01:11

Entry 5

by Lillyanna Moonbreeze

The last few days have been very hectic we did manage to get everyone safely to Faribyr with some help from two other druids I had not seen in some time, Uthran and his younger sister Eifendry. I wish they had only been there to help but they where looking for me to deliver a communication bowl, on the other side was Queen Cerrydwen and Archdruidess Celote. They had received reports of undead in the area, I filled them in on what little we knew. Cerrydwen then told me that Lachlan maybe headed this way, he was last seen between Wamor and the twins and if I did find him she asked that I render what aid I could. I need to speak to the others to let them know that they are not obligated to help me but ask if they will help me should Lachlan appear. A days walk from Faribyr as Gunthar and I setup for first watch I spotted campfires in the distance and they were directly in our path to Faribyr. After pointing them out to Gunthar, we alerted the others and come up with a plan for Slinger and I to leave ahead of the others to find out who the fires belonged to. Knowing what I had to do to prepare I left to take my rest as the others decided if the would stay here or follow a few hours behind. When I awoke a few hours later Gunthar told me that he knew what was in the camp and that we did not need to go but would not give more details in tell everyone was awake, so I let Slinger sleep.
As dawn breaks and everyone begins to stir, I first wake Gunthar and then Slinger. Slinger seems confused as to why I have woken him so late I quickly explain that something happened last night that changed our plans and Gunthar wanted everyone awake before he explained what had occurred. What he tells us is that last night in emissary of the platinum dragon Albacur visited him and showed him what we would find in the camp, as well as the fact that Paburh had already fallen, and that Albacur had a message for Kuldak as well. With this new information we replanned what we were to do and decided that our best course of action would be to head northwest to circle around Faribyr add approach for the northgate. The day goes by rather uneventful and just as I believe we will get to Faribyr with no problems I see Slinger, who is being are forward scout suddenly crouch down and I quickly call halt to the children and have everybody crouch low in the grass. As I look ahead I see the southerns gates of Faribyr as well as 4 ogres and 10 hobgoblins assaulting the walls with a battering ram. The decision is quickly made to hide Ithren, Rainan, and the children to render aid as the gates crack open. As we're moving into position I see the gates open and Sila, Uhnf as she takes the form of a brown bear as I did, and Gashak take the field and I see Uhnf's mate the Ranger up on the wall with his longbow ready. We decide to creep up on the attackers flank and get as close as we can before we launch the attack on Gunthar signal, and with the help of a spell I was going to use with the children we are able to get within striking distance undetected.
After the battle Gashak leads us to the main long house and has Isaac, Gunthar, and myself follow to a back room. He asked a question that I do not think any of us were truly prepared for but we all answered the same. The question was what we call ourselves and we answered The Raven Alliance, he then asked who was the leader and Gunthar answered all of us, that we make the decisions together Gashak seems please with this answer saying as it should be. as we continue talking we share what we learned in the cave and what I was told by Queen Cerrydwen and Archdruidess Celote and that Lachlan may be in the region. With our talk over I believed we would return to the others but it seemed Gashak had something else in mind as Uhnf approaches me with rope and a clothe blindfold and I see Gashak go to Gunthar and the ranger to Isaac. She asks for my hands and trusting her I hold them out letting myself be bound and blindfolded. I hear the others do the same as we are lead back to the other I can not help but wonder what he has planed. To say it did not go well would be putting it lightly, even with us reassuring them Slinger sounded scared and disappeared, Kuldak drew his weapon and left, Rowan was the only one who stayed, he played his dulcimer and started to sing. After we where freed I tried to find Slinger but could not, so I followed the others as Gashak, Uhnf, and her mate lead us to a building and he tells us that it is now ours and to rest for the night but I want to try to find Slinger and I need to speak with Gashak about a few things before I take my rest and there are many things I need to think about like how I did not take notice that Gunthar was hurt or the strange feeling I get when I look at.... someone. I need to figure out what this feeling is I have not felt it before, maybe tonight after everyone is asleep I will go to Uhnf's grove to meditate and pray for guidance to try to figure it out.