Chapter 44: What's up dock? by Druss | World Anvil

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Chapter 44: What's up dock?

by Druss Panathalax

After recovering the bodies from the street, Thoroughly disturbing our new ally in town, explaining things to guards who had luckily not been one of the corrupt authority figures in the city, we now find ourselves back down in the cellar of the Dog's breakfast, trying to figure out what we need to do. Remembering the soulstone from the night before, we decide now is a better time than any to look at it. Having grabbed it, we had been distracted by the information we had found, the chest that had pilfered, and the encounters with Post, we had forgotten about it. In fact, we forgot where we had even put it, finding that I had left it in my vest pocket, wrapped in a slightly used handkerchief. I must have wrapped it up after the visions I had encountered after grabbing it. Not the sort of thing one should be touching right before a sneeze.
Pulling the stone out of my pocket, I hold it in the handkerchief for Yun. The shapeshifter took one look at it, stating they knew Nothing of magical items, Someone else should be looking at this. Geno, who is going to look at it first. The goblin had assembled some sort of wand, similar to one that would be used to find water, but much larger. He started to explain that this device could detect magic, and before I could tell him to stop, it reacted to me. Steam was pouring from the handles, a quick clicking sound was emanating from the rod, where it evolved to a whir. The rod also reacted to the wand we had found in the chest, and a few gems Geno had pulled from his pockets. Explaining that he had found them last night, he wondered what they were capable of. All the steam and clicks coming from his instrument must have meant something, for he quickly packed it up, smiling.
Melfina was also taking the time to try and figure out what the best course of action would have been. Examining the stone herself, she was alarmed to feel other souls inside, including some other worldly beings. She also muttered something about trapping on of the princes of Hell in this one may be a bad idea.
Lighting incense and pulling out a small ornate bowl, she cut into her arm, long and deep, allowing the blood to fall into the bowl. The incense was positioned so the ashes would fall into the blood, and she closed her eyes, lips silently moving. Not wanting to interrupt her, we help Post who was still fussing with the bodies.
Crates had been moved away from a wall, and a small hatch had been opened. Similar in size to a oven door, a dark tunnel extended into the wall at a downward angle into the unknown. Post was sliding bodies into the void, and it extended far past the point where I could see. With the casual manner that post was taking, this was not the first time they had dealt with bodies disappearing from this place. It was rather disturbing work and I eventually did my very best to not look at what I was doing. It was impossible not to think about it, and not look at the same time. Like shutting your eyes and doing a task by feel. Luckily we didn't have to do it long before Melfina finished her ritual.
“How can we use the soul stone to save Marda?” It was a simple question she asked, and I assume it was to her Deity Solvene. The wound on her arm had sealed with the finalization of the ritual, the blood that had fallen was slowly being consumed by the ashes of the incense. As the ashes fell, they can in contact with the blood, and both ash and blood were consumed as if on fire, but with no flame. It was a quicker process that I would have expected, and Melfina opened her eyes with the last of the blood being consumed. “She has said it is a Leap of Fate.”
At first I had misunderstood her, and when others asked her to repeat it I was glad I wasn't the only one. She repeated herself, and indeed, it was Fate. Great. I for one would not want something so important being left to a roll of the dice. I can't imagine how Marda felt. And of Course, we still didn't know how to use the thing.
Melfina gathered all the ritual components back into her bags, and got to her feet. It may have been my imagination, but she appeared to be just a little shaky similar to someone who has just run a far distance. Or lost a lot of blood. “I will need to find more incense for my spells.” She says. “We also have to check on the dock for tomorrow.” She is right. After the fight, and the spells they just used, I bet Geno and Melfina were both tired. While we all wanted to help Marda, there wasn't much I could do and we had a few other things to take care of today. Geno, Yun and I could all go out to the legion, and give them the good news, while the ladies go find what they would need for spells, and we would all meet at the docks later to look it over.
After making sure everything was cleaned up from the fight, we all left the Dog's breakfast. I was a bit worried about splitting the group up, for fear of retaliation from the Baraxus gang. After walking through the city I suppose I shouldn't have been worried, as we didn't encounter any, nor did I have trouble with the gate guards. Leaving the city, it was very easy to find max. He was 30 feet from the gate, surrounded by members of the Legion. I could easily hear what he was saying and it would have been humorous if it wasn't so necessary.
“OK! I know most of you already know, or at least should, but you need to change your socks daily people!” His soft voice carried surprisingly well, and some of the crowd gave an embarrased shuffle. “Obviously those like me with hooves or.. uh, other appendage endings won't have to, but, um.. if You wear socks, change them.” Was he really giving the rookie talk? This should either being common knowledge or given to them before they are even part of the unit! I suppose it is good we have new recruits, but what is Ragnus doing letting these kids join if we couldn't afford to pay them!
“If you aren't feeling well, Don't Hide IT! Go get one of the Maces- er clerics. You'll learn what group they are in, but talk to them. Got the sniffles after standing a cold watch? Talk to the clerics! Got a nasty itch on your feet? Talk to the clerics -After changing your socks! And for those of you fools getting a nasty itch after visiting certain folks in town, go talk to the clerics. If the clerics are busy, go find a Paladin or, gods help you, one of those addle-brained druids. The Paladins Will lecture you, and the Druids Will laugh at you, but you will also feel better, and you won't kill your best friend should they catch the cold you gave them!”
He continued on in this fashion for nearly twenty minutes, going over basic weapon maintenance tips, how to roll your tent, even how to fall asleep against your buddy in the rain to keep one from drowning. The last time he gave any of this speech was maybe twelve years ago to Leona, and that had been majorly toned down. Before that was anyone's guess, but at least thirty years ago. I know he had seen me while he had been pacing in front of the newbies, lecturing them. He had starred at me, not breaking mental stride over the importance of brushing one's teeth. Now that he was done with the gaggle, he turned on the spot straight towards me, flung a massive arm around me,bending his neck to whisper in my ear.
“Why the hell did I ever let you talk me into this! I miss my shop, I miss competent people! How did Leona ever learn anything from us?! She has turned out so well, she must have learned it somewhere else. This is ridiculous! The veterans are all set in their ways, the new kids thinking of nothing but invincible glory in battle!” I could see that Max was not in fact enjoying this time in camp.
“Don't worry Max,” I tell him. “We found something that will help the Legion. Where is Ragnus?”
“He has this huge ridiculous tent” max gestures. I had seen it, thinking it had been a mess tent. “He will be in there. Now that I am helping with some of the drill work, he has taken some time to strategize. The problem is though, we have to use torches or candles, as none of the clerics know how to make any light. One of those silly druids tried to make a stationary fire, and actually got a nice globe of fire to hover nearby. But when they pointed at the table the floating ball of fire flew into a bundle of parchment, and the whole thing went up! Luckily it was just the dinner menu.” Knowing that the clerics were making all the food, I imagine the menu in question would have been boiled cabbage and potatoes, or boiled potatoes and cabbage.
Entering the tent in question, I do find Raguns going over a model of the city on the table made with leaves and twigs. The model was formed over a map of the city, but it wasn't a complete map. As if the map maker had died halfway through, only the closest building to the gate were in high detail. The rest was very lightly drawn as the city spread, and finally just the outer wall on the other side.
“Ah the Legend returns!” Ragnus called. He meant well. “What can we do for you sergeant? Want to have some command again? I have plenty of people who want to learn how to properly fight!” “No Ragnus, I do not.” I answered. “I have come to give you these.” Handing over the ledgers I explain. “This should give you all the evidence you need to get the corrupt guard out, and grant you the ability to go into the city and clear out said corruption.”
Ragnus seemed over joyed. “Excellent! Then we can continue our search for the child! It may take some time to get through these books, but we shall work through the night. In the morning, we shall march in, I give you my word!”
That task done, I left the tent, and gave my farewell's to Max and collected Yun and Geno who had been talking to him. I had asked if he wanted to come back in, but he simply said he would stay to keep Ragnus on task. Finding no trouble getting back into the city, the three of us head back towards the docks.
The docks were as busy as they were before, and the area we were looking seemed to be less passenger stuff, and more cargo. After all, trade is what builds a city right? With wagon loads of goods waiting to be loaded up, and dock workers crawling about everywhere, I suddenly felt rather unhelpful. If I asked the wrong person a question, or made my questions too obvious, I would stick out in someone's memory. Geno had mostly the same feelings, as there were not as many goblins around either, although there were more of them than Dragonborn.
Yun however didn't seem to have that problem. We had gathered at the mouth of a dark alley looking onto the docks, and Yun had wandered deeper, only to have a vaguely familiar form come out. Back in Cherwood, Yun had taken the form of a Dwarf dockworker with the name Derek Shaftswell. With the image down, “Derek” is able to get onto the docks, posing as a temporary worker from another shift. Mingling with the other workers, they should be able to find something.
We would have helped if we could but Geno and I were comfortable in the alley opening, and we must have looked imposing as no one asked us what we were doing. And it was a good thing too as we had not rehearsed any story as to why we were there. I was skulking in the shadows, tucked between some crates, and Geno had climbed into a refuse bin. Really we stuck around to make sure there wasn't any trouble, but otherwise we sat there waiting.
It wasn't difficult for me to wait, as I had done it for most of my life. Stand around while on watch, or wait for some creature or force to move on before skulking through the forest. Wait while watching for a target to come out of a tavern or house. Wait for the iron to get hot. Geno had taken up what was hopefully a chicken bone to scrawl plans of some sort on the filthy wall next to him, so that left me to my thoughts.
We had so much to do here, it seemed a bit overwhelming, although we had succeeded in some of it. While we hadn't really Cleared the name of the Black Legion, we did get them into the city so they can show their own. Ragnus better keep them on a tighter leash too. He and I will have some words if he doesn't. I don't really want to think about that. Maybe my subconscious will add that to the room in the pillow fort. In with the bodies would just be what? A copy of the Legion's charter? Ha. As if. Hey. Maybe I should add a chute like in Drax's basement. That would get rid of the bodies quickly! Then we would have another functional room, instead of a dysfunctional room. Should I be adding the bodies to my room? Can I do that? Maybe it's just bodies that really bother me. How do I feel about those that have died by my hand while in just this town? Do they deserve my sympathy?
Before I could dwell any more on that Melfina and Marda find us. Smelling vaguely of incense, they must have found the shop they needed. Obviously feeling better, Melfina decides to it may be a good idea to use some of her magic to find more information. The problem is we don't really know where to look, as Yun has yet to return. We decide to wait until they return before using up and more of her energy.
It's not a long wait. Geno has finally perfected the design and was in the middle of making something when Yun comes walking out from the depths of the alley. I had lost track of them while talking with Marda, and I suddenly felt guilty about it.
Yun, still as the dwarf, was able to report that the dock we are looking for was a private dock at the end, with no way for us to get down there. They had been able to swipe a couple of passes that would allow people to go take a look, and they might come in handy to get us down there. The cargo listed on the manifests coming from that dock didn't match up to the amount of people working the dock, so they either had the quickest off load time in the city, or extra hands to unload some mobile cargo. And the security to go with it. But it also meant that something was getting into the city past customs. A tunnel perhaps, or some other way of smuggling.
After revealing the information, Derek tells us about a marine research vessel in port, which they intend to check out next. As they leave us in the alley, Melfina now knows where she needs to direct her spells. Settling herself down deeper in, past the crates I was on, she begins her spells, trying to figure out where the Baraxus gang may have out a tunnel.
After twenty minutes she stood up and stretched. She hadn't moved the entire time, and had been still as a post. A frown crossed her face, and she spoke with Marda asking where someone may put a smuggling entrance. After conferring for a few minutes, Melfina settles back down to try again. Geno has finished his project, and has taken two mismatched bottles and made something out of them. Tying the two together, and positioning them against his eyes, he claimed he was able to see farther than normal. It looks like he had polished the ends of the bottles, maybe even put some sort of spell on them. Like most of his work, I don't need to know what magic was used, I just trusted that it worked.
An exhaperated noise came up from my Left where Melfina was sitting. She got up and paced back and forth a few times, then had a hushed and hurried conversation with Marda. Plopping down again, she muttered her spell again, in a slightly perturbed voice. It grew calmer after she had been chanting for a few minutes, and then she grew quiet once again, presumably when the spell took hold. After another ten minutes, she jumped up again, this time with a triumphant sound. She wasn't quite jumping for joy, or shouting her victories, but she did have a grin on her face.
“There is a tunnel behind the rubbish carts!” She exclaims. “A great big rubbish cart against a wall hides the entrance to a large tunnel, big enough to have a few people next to each other. Thank you for the advice Marda.” Ah. That is what they were talking about. Melfina had been using some spell to look at the private dock to see what the layout was, maybe we could use that, so we talked about it until Derek came back.
The dock appeared deep enough that the ship could pull up next to it, probably with the assistance of longboats. There was a long waslk from the private dock to the nearest public area, meaning it would be difficult to be unseen just simply walking up to it. The dock area was carved from a steep hill, what may have been a cliff before the dock had been put in, so there was something over looking the area, but it was still pretty far away. If we started from up there, it might be a challenge for some people to get down, which would give anyone looking an advantage. And we knew where the secret tunnel is, So we had several options.
Geno had been muttering something about the a “Raging Echidna” when Derek came back. Motioning us to follow, we all went back to the Dog's Breakfast. It was mid to late afternoon when we got there, and Post was still there working on the books. Joining us in the corner room, we cover everything we had found out. Still in the form of the Dockworker, Derek reveals that the ship he went to go investigate is inhabited by a Merrow named Jetsam, and a Triton named Flotsam. Some old goblin by the name of Jareth was the captain of the ship, and Geno perked up at the name. The goal of the expedition was to find out how the Dragons were spreading out from Dragon Island. Not sure how any of that would help us, we started trying to figure out how to get to the ship. Marda bribed Post to forge a couple of passes for us, making copies of the passes Yun had taken. The idea of just going in invisible was thrown into the ring. We did worry about one of those mage hunting cats, and that would pose a problem. Yun had drawn a map from what they had seen, and Melfina had seen, so we had a visual aid to work with.
Yun suddenly stands up with a puzzled expression. They remembered that some of the supplies they had helped load onto the expedition ship had been explosive powder. And Harpoons. Why would they need that? Geno immediately suggests going back there, and he would be happy to go with Yun to find out. The problem being Jetsam, the large aquatic creature didn't speak common, so it would be difficult to speak with them.
Pulling out a red gem, Geno asks Melfina if there was any way she could grant them the ability to speak other languages. If she did, she could store it in the gem, and they could use it when they were ready. Since she did have a spell like that, the two of them were soon on their way, leaving us at the inn.
Talking to Post for a short time after, we convinced them to stay in town again so they could help us. Telling them that the Black legion would be coming into town in the morning, I threw out the idea that we could use that as a distraction, hopefully if the Baraxus lot were going to try anything, it would be there. We might even be able to get some of the Legion to meet us and come with us to the Port, giving us some backup if things went sour. Maybe Max could come with them. It would be good to have him at my back should it come to that. Right now, we weren't sure if we wanted a fight or not.
Since we had to wait for Yun and Geno to get back, I just decided to take a nap. Spike and Sora were playing together, and the noise wasn't too great to keep me awake. After all. I had learned to fall asleep anywhere I wanted. Most of the time.
I awoke when they returned, both of which were very excited. Yun said we had collected ourselves some new allies, and Geno was going on about dragons, and the best Goblin captain he had ever met. Yun had in fact befriended the Merrow, Finding out that Jetsam had been saved from the slave trade and was now a part of the Undertow. With the knowledge Jetsam and Flotsam had learned, they were prepared to help us out tomorrow, and make sure the ship didn't go anywhere should the crew get spooked.
It was seeming more and more that it would end up in a fight, and while I worried that the captives would be killed in the middle of it, there didn't seem to be any better alternative at this time. After contacting Max, he would bring in several capable rangers, and a druid. We would go in early and hide in the tunnel, behind the garbage wagon, and wait for them to start emptying the ship of the cargo. Post and Drax even agreed to help, and they were planning something special.
To end the night Melfina cast one more spell for us, summoning a huge Feast for us to enjoy, featuring all sorts of delicacies laid out. While eating I asked Geno about the captain he had talked to, and why dragons were involved. The only dragons I had seen were the ones we had killed when they attacked our ship, and Geno reassured me that those had been a small species of dragon, Wyverns. He then proceeded to tell me, around mouthfuls of Egg drop soup, all the stories he and the captain had shared. The best part was the revelation that the dragons have a council or cabinet that governed the happenings on dragon Isle. An Ancient green dragon, Eclectic Er'And. Bloody Charring who was an Ancient Red Dragon. The last of the Ancient Dragons was a bronze, by the name of Burnished Bromand. Two others were on the cabinet, Mad Meriwynd a Mercury Greatwyrm, and Radiant Ro'gair, an Adult Gold. The cabinet was supposed to work with The grand Russet Sovereign, Amberfin, the Copper Greatwyrm. I wasn't really sure what all the titles meant, Geno was way to busy telling stories about the various cabinet members and Jareth, but it was still wonderful to hear about them. I had always wondered about the Dragons, and where they had gone. Apparently The Grand Russet Sovereign is still in charge, but have been a recluse for some time. They had been the one to shatter the world, separating the island from the continent all the many years ago. The task, and all the deaths had taken a toll on the Copper Greatwyrm, and have left the duties up to the cabinet. The fact That Jareth had been blessed by all these Mighty beings is something to keep in mind if I were to ever talk to him.
The morning came, and we were up early, Post already gone before we were even up. Not sure what they were planning, we got ready for battle, and headed out into the city, not even a hint of the sun up yet. We made our way to the dock, and went to the Airship, where Geno awoke Ricky the bear. The crew had brought him along, and now we had either the Bull or Ricky to choose from. Waiting for the first shift to come in, we snuck in with them as we made our way towards the private dock. The ship was due an hour before midday, so we would have plenty of time to wait, but this would provide our best chance. Sneaking over to the garbage cart, we pushed it aside just enough to reveal the tunnel entrance behind it. Pulling the cart behind us, we sat and waited. This was going to be the worst part. Ideally, the tunnel would only be used to smuggle the slaves that were brought from the ship, but if anyone just happened to check on it, or come from where ever this lead, we would have a problem. With the time it took us to get to the docks, and hiding here, we still had a few hours to go. Max had been told to gather on the hill above the dock, within bow shot and wait for us. He had been able to bring everything we had asked for, including a tempest cleric from the Maces. Just because they were classified as healers didn't mean they Had to heal.
Post, as it turns out, had been hiding in the garbage cart, Well, at least we knew where they were. With no mention of Drax, and very little talking we waited. We could see bery little of the sky, but we could see through a small slit between the wall and the cart. A beautiful spring morning soon gave way to sudden cloud cover, looking like a storm would break out at any moment. When the Ship finally did show up, we could se the Dock workers looking skyward, clearly nervous to be working under such conditions. Cargo boxes were agonizingly slow coming off the ship, none of the boxes large enough to fit people. Finally, with on last crate, other people appeared. Dressed in worn clothing, one dock worker was escorting what appeared to be a tourist, but we knew to be the slaves. All looked rather disheveled, there were already a half a dozen heading for the tunnel, being escorted by slavers. One last duo appeared on the gangplank, a tall woman, pushing a blond child. Matching the description Ragnus gave us, We now know where the kid is they were looking for. Not in a basement then.
Melfina decides that it would be a good time to start things off. With a prayer, she seems to fling a wire thin whisp of blood out, impossibly far where it lands in a ring around five of the slavers. Two of the slavers seem to be affected, as the blood gathers around their ankles, like shackles. The spiritual scythe appears, and slices a chunk out of another, and the battle starts.
With a great yawp, Marda lets out her new battle cry, kicking the garbage cart, moving it quite far to my surprise. It went so far as to hit the nearest of the slavers, a good fifteen feet away. Maybe the wheels were pointing in just the right direction. Marda sprints out right behind the Cart, to engage the nearest of the foes. Melfina, recovered from her first spell, flings another out, the blood drying in midair this time, and the intended target, the Woman escorting the child, is hit with the effects. Her flesh desiccates instantly and a look of terror freezes on her face, the skin crumpling as the body hits the gangplank, then falls into the water below. The child may have seen some of it, as he immediately starts to weep loudly.
With the Scythe finishing off the one who had been knocked over by the cart, the escorts pull out various weapons, mostly bladed, and attack Marda and Melfina, landing some hit. Marda doesn't seem to notice, even Riposting an attack, nearly slicing her foe in half. While I want to her them, I need to get that kid out of here before something happens to him. Pouring divine nature into my body, I run faster than anyone can react, grab the kid and run to the other side of the fray than all the action. Out in the open now, if anyone wants to get to me they would have to cross directly in front of the rangers on the hill. Interposing myself between the boy, I draw my bow and try to attack the closest foe with a weapon in hand. Only one shot lands, and I curse my lack of practice with the bow.
Vines suddenly lash out at the enemies around Marda, flailing at their ankles and shins. Flowers bloom out of the cobbles around Marda, closing some of her wounds. One Body near her just falls to pieces, and I recognize the handiwork of the spectere, but I can't even see it. That is terrifying. As Arrows rain down from the hill, they pierce into the foe I had wounded, felling him. A cry of frustration comes from the hill, and with an Order of “Stay Here!” Max comes barreling down the hill, His Great Mace high above his head, ready to strike.
Now that the captives aren't being minded, they scatter. Arrows come raining down from the ship, and as I try to figure out what to do about the slavers on the ship, Drax comes out over the ship using some sort long fabric sheet, gripping a set of handles underneath. As he slowly falls onto the ship, he is immediately surrounded by the slavers, not that he cares. Pushing them all away, he grabs the remaining slaves still aboard and tosses them over onto the dock, where they slowly fall to the ground, just like when Geno had done that with To'Li.
Chaos breaks out. A flower petal swarm obscures the back half of the ship, a gift from Post's repertoire. The spectre and Marda are competing to see who can kill the most, and I'm not sure who is winning. Yun had not only somehow made a whale appear in the tunnel entrance, completely blocking it, but had also thrown a Fireball at the ship, where it actually impacted Drax before it exploded, much to the old Half- Orc's own Delight. I had given the kid to Max and charged in to the fray only to have the last remaining enemies on the ship, and to top it all off, explosions were taking place on the ship, just below the waterline. Causing the whole thing to slowly sink into the port waters.
Two archers on the front of the ship are causing havoc, peppering my friends with arrows. Yun was about to cast yet another spell When several arrows sprout from their chest. Being too far away, I watch as Marda administers a healing potion to keep them alive, and I try to hit the enemy with my own bow, with no success. As more arrows rain down from the hill, missing as well, a single loud lightning bolt comes down from the sky, to hit immediately between the two archers in the front, and they both fall to the sinking deck. Leaping from the ship, Drax lands on the dock as the last of the Merrow's explosions goes off in the front, and the ship sinks even faster.
The whale gone from the tunnel entrance, I can see spike slowly crawling away from where the larger creature had been, and wonder how the two correlate. We all gathered at the entrance to the tunnel again, the battle sound now gone, we can hear Something moving through the tunnel. Either a large force of many people, or a force of one Large thing, we prepare for yet another fight.
Yun was apparently not going to bother with a fight. After taking one too many arrows to the chest, they simply gathered their hands together, and with a tiny little bead of flame, threw not one, but two fireballs, one right after another into the tunnel. The double shock waves showed the power of the magic as it eradicated whatever force had been coming to engage us.
Standing there, watching that power of destruction, I can't help but wonder if it was really a bad thing that most casting had been outlawed. It was a sobering event, and a little hard to take.

Continue reading...

  1. The Journey of the Legend part 3
  2. The journey of the Legend part 4
  3. The journey of the Legend part 5
  4. The Journey of the Legend part 6
  5. The Path of The Legend
  6. the Journal of Druss the Legend
  7. The Journey of the Legend part 7
  8. The Journey of the Legend (part 2)
  9. The Battle Below the Broken Tower
  10. The Journey of the Legend part 8
  11. The Journey of the Legend part 9
  12. The Journey of the Legend part 10
  13. The Journey of the Legend part 11
  14. Chapter 1: The journey of the Legend
  15. Chapter 12: 10 heads are better than one.
  16. Chapter 13 The Long and Winding Road
  17. Chapter 14, The Night The Sky Lit Up
  18. Chapter 15 Headaches.
  19. Chapter 16 Answers that make more questions
  20. Chapter 17 Politicos and executions
  21. Chapter 18 The Wild Blue Yonder
  22. Chapter 19 The Hammer Blow
  23. Chapter 20 The Haunted House and The Deadly Forest
  24. Chapter 21: A Terrible Headache.
  25. A lovely Jaunt through the woods
  26. Chapter 23 Through Fog and Fire.
  27. Chapter 24 And For My Next Trick....
  28. Chapter 25 Pirates!?!? Great Balls Of Fire!
  29. Chapter 27: A warm toasty feeling
  30. Chapter 26: Magic can make your problems go away!
  31. Chapter 28: A feeling of lethargy.
  32. Chapter 29. Adult Discussions
  33. Chapter 30 A Whole Lota Nothing.
  34. Chapter 31 Happenings
  35. Chapter 32 New faces
  36. Chapter 33
  37. Chapter 34 A Talk on the wild side
  38. The JournalChapter 35 The B team
  39. Chapter 36 Curiosity
  40. Chapter 37: Actions
  41. Chapter 38 New faces and Old Friends
  42. Chapter 39. The No Good Very Bad Rescue
  43. Chapter 40: Congealing Slime.
  44. Chapter 41 A Small Amount of Rage.
  45. Chapter 41.8 Three Days Before the Mast
  46. Chapter 42:Legion and Horde
  47. Chapter 43: All Ablaze
  48. Chapter 44: What's up dock?
  49. Chapter 45. Title pending.
  50. Chapter 46. Cruising Music
  51. Chapter 47 Flying objects may be closer than they appear