(36) Mushrooms and Thieves by Ezma | World Anvil

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Sat 11th Nov 2023 10:51

(36) Mushrooms and Thieves

by Ezma Loramaris

Session thirty six 11/11/23
17th of Mvor, year 2205 AC
-along the stairs going up from the basement there were the names of the 21 gods inscribed with descriptors
-grand watcher plume explained what guns are - he made his own
-we are taken to the top of the huge staircase for the mushrooms Yasha wanted, these blue little mushrooms
-Davens Port is referred to as the city that Helm built. The temple predates the city and was around during the thousand year war. One of the strong holds that the Falkhoury were not able to break
-the grand watcher gives Yasha four mushrooms, three are needed for the soup she was told about. She’s going to try to propagate them
-on the way back to our room we heard a commotion of a thief stealing something from the chefs corner establishment - they stole the knife + spatula symbol from above the oven, it’s faintly magical with conjugation magic
-we caught them and they said they’d fill us in if we could keep up. We followed down to a borough and a tiefling woman questioned us, let us into a home with a strange mat (thieves cant)
-the inside is covered in dust
-the halfling thief is named Cecil
-tiefling - Passion, this is her brothers house, Cunning
-she mentions someone named Tusk - possible they’re the one who may do whatever magical thing they want to do to this item
-she shows us to a tunnel system down the stairs in the house

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