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Fri 17th Aug 2018 09:31

Lost Woods

by Tika

Well! The last few days have been... weird to say the least? There I am, minding my own business and trying to get some sleep when I have the weirdest dream you could imagine. I woke up and nearly fell out of the dream from shock! It was a voice telling me *I* was the next hero to save Hyrule?! I thought the Hero was always a Hylian! And... you know a guy. There was a Korok in the tree as well and I talked to her and she said to go to the Lost Woods and find the Great Deku Tree. Her and I found a fairy that would lead me to the edge of the woods and we set off.
I get to the border of the Woods only to have my guide fly off with a laugh and telling me 'Good Luck, you'll need it!' Fairies can be such brats some times! I tried flying from above but the fog covering the forest and the thick room of branches gave me nothing to work with. After I landed and was trying to decide what to do... some strangers showed up.
You know, I see a lot of strangers in my travels, but I felt like I'd walked into a bad joke when a Gerudo, Goron, Hylian, and Zora all made their ways to the forest edge. Hylians you see sometimes, but it's WEIRD seeing a Gerudo out of the desert, or a Goron away from the mountains. I tried to hide how twitchy I was, you never know if they're Ganondorf followers after all. Might have been... a bit overly talkative? Maybe? I don't know.
We ended up agreeing to go into the forest together, you know, safety in numbers. I was a bit unsure, if I am for some reason the Hero (seriously, there were no Hylians or GUYS that could magically do this instead?!) I don't want these strangers knowing. I can't trust them that easily. Getting through he forest was... interesting? Confusing? Well, anyways I now know how it got it's name. Between avoiding giggling paths, trees poking Dargo (that's the Goron), a foggy field where we had to go towards a faint breeze, and a Deku Scrub deciding to smack us with seeds we got through the forest. The poor scrub though, said he was there to keep us from going down the wrong paths and Mavar (the Zora) was such a bully to him!
Oh a side note, apparently when I speak to Deku I speak another language?! Why did NO ONE tell me that?! Oh, wait I'm always alone that's probably why. But how do I speak a language without realizing it? Is that why the Koroks and Fairies were so surprised when I started saying hello to them? Wait... why didn't they tell me I was speaking another language?! ... Right Koroks and Faries can be brats. ANYWAYS! Moving on!
We made it through the woods and found this nice village, it was fillied with Faries, Koroks, Deku Scrubs! It was beautiful. They we finally met the great Deku Tree. He's HUGE! Like I've seen big trees but NOTHING like this. Imagine the view from the top of his branches. Think he'd let me tr- I'm getting off topic again!
At first he assumed Zed (the Hylian) was the Hero. Myself and... all the others were surprised. Then we realized we'd ALL had the same dream! Apparently Mavar had been getting it for two weeks, why did he take so long to get here? Did he get the dream so early BECAUSE he was ignoring it? The Deku Tree was surprised to realize we'd all came here thinking we're the Hero, and then explained how last time the Hero's soul and weapon had been shattered. Apparently we all have a piece of the Hero's soul and that's why there are five of us? That means I'm STUCK with these four?! Whyyyyyyy?!
The Deku Tree explained we had to go through trials, through five... temples. We all said we were ready to start and ended up going INSIDE the Deku Tree and into a dungeon? A bit crazy I know, and it's filled with traps! I stepped on some flowers and they sprayed me with poison, POISON! I'll never look at flowers the same way. There were also lots of monsters, and some kinds of weird magic as well. Red orbs that can heal us, chests that appear out of no where. I just... it's all so WEIRD! But I can say, at least these four know how to fight. So I can just stay back and shoot things. I miss having room to fly.
I hope we can get through this dungeon soon.

People I Met

Dargo : A Goron, seems nice enough. Innocent and maybe a little... slow? I mean that's most Goron I guess. He has a big hammer he uses to fight and also likes playing music! Maybe sometime when we're not traveling in a possibly dangerous place we can play together. Also apparently scared of Skultullas. Where was he hiding before not anyways? I thought all Goron had been enslaved by Ganondorf and his armies?
Mavar: A Zora. Weird is the best way to describe him. I can't tell if he hates me, or he just acts that way to everyone? Talks to his lantern and calls it 'Sisters'. Is this really how he acts all the time?! Seems to like talking about death, I mean he's probably... seen a lot I guess? There aren't a lot of Zora left either after all. He was also a jerk to the Deku Scrub. Also seemed to assume I was working WITH the scrub and... yeah no I think he hates me.
Zedryn: A tiny Hylian. Grumpy, smacked me for poking him. Maybe he's a grump cause he has to share this whole 'Hero' thing with non Hylains? I can't tell. He does... have an interesting symbol on his cloak. Can't mention it around the others and I haven't been able to talk to him alone. Seems decent enough? I don't know.
Rava: A Gerudo. She seems... more mature then the rest of us? Kinda hard to tell at this point. She didn't talk a lot, seemed to be observing more then anything. I wonder how a Gerudo feels being told she's a Hero that will stop Ganondorf. I thought he was their King?

Continue reading...

  1. Lost Woods
  2. Forest Temple