Arrival at the Collegium by Hellion | World Anvil

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Fri 5th Jun 2020 03:47

Arrival at the Collegium

by Hellion Blaze

It had been months of traveling. Maybe? I couldn't possibly keep track.
Somehow, we arrive in a town called Navelian. Derach never seems to tire. He says he has been living in the town for quite a while. The town is mostly working class it seems. People seem friendly. Even to me. Strange. I don't know if I trust it.
Derach tells me that he can read my thoughts. A curious (and rather shocking) prospect. He tells me I'm to learn how to control it at the collegium.
Erdan, the head of the collegium, introduces himself to me and welcomes me to the place.
Callan, a stable hand of sorts, leads me to the dining hall where, there is a whole buffet of food. He tells me of the heralds. That they are here to maintain balance in the continent.
I meet the 4 other "Chosen" trainees. They all seem strange in their own ways. I'll need more time to figure them out.
They tell us that we can learn magic as well as combat skills here. This all seems too good to be true.
Lordrin, the quartermaster, takes us through a physical course (swords, hand-to-hand, and archery). I do poorly at all three (mainly because I'm still exhausted from my long journey). I look forward to besting him once I am at full strength.
The collegium seems like a strange place overall, but I think it's worth learning what they have to teach.