Korrik Blunttooth | World Anvil

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Korrik Blunttooth

Campaign & Party

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242 Winterwane 15th -19th

Well of Rest

by Korrik Blunttooth

We decided it was time to find something to help Mara. In fact she was going to come with us, but she couldn't make it. We thought it a bad idea to go as just three, oh I've forgotten to say who 'we' are. Arias, Conviction, Caelam and Myself decided to go with Mara, but when she couldn't we brought along a newcomer by the name if Ignis a student of magic. Along with looking for this aid we decided to make it a trip around the big lake, ending with a visit to Arlus Solarus to get the rune sequence to the teleportation circle there.
We went north to reach the lake, with little of interest happening until we noticed a ritual being performed by some Lizardfolk. They were using that magic that causes the red lightning, and we knew that meant trouble. Caelam and Conviction went to sneak forward while Arias decided to try and engage with them, and though she assured us they could understand her she could still not understand them and things seemingly were going nowhere. In the end as expected things fell to violence, it was not a particularly difficult fight but we were able to claim a strange scroll that produced the red lightning. Both Arias and Ignis were interested but we needed to press onward, and so we did.
We did see more Lizardfolk later but we did not come to blows with them and by the end of the day we rested. The following day was almost completely uneventful, that is until it was coming time to rest. In the forest before us was a camp being set by a group of goblins some asleep all ready some others failing to light a fire in the gloom. Approaching somewhat carefully with Caelam presenting his bracelet to signify our friendship the goblins appeared to cower as some Medusae jumped us. Arias must have looked one in the eye as she was turned to stone immediately with the rest of us averting our gaze in time. I found my new shield oddly useful for this as I could use it to see our opponents without being affected by their gaze, though I'm not sure if it was luck I'll have to just try again if attacked again and I'll find out. That doesn't mean the battle wasn't difficult. Conviction was rendered as stone and they set upon me something fierce before breaking to we who remained. I was scared we couldn't return Arias and Conviction my magic is not strong enough and though I knew we had created a salve for this ailment I did not know what they looked like. Luckily Conviction had brought some and Ignis could Identify them. After that ordeal we rested, with the goblins deciding to follow us for some reason or another.
That night as we went to rest a strange knight approached our dome. We were awakened by Ignis and after a brief moment of confusion Arias left the dome releasing the spell. The knight introduced them self as Phillip Wilifrand a knight of Oberon. Some fey being that frankly I know little about. It would appear however that this knight is the guardian of a well of magical cleansing water. This was what we were looking for! This was what could restore Mara, and as it turned out: we were free to take some. After some discussion we ended up taking all the water that was left, though we were informed that it would replenish itself if slowly. So we took our rest, in what turned out to be safety.
The next day our group was coming around and beginning to turn west when something in the skies caught our attention. They were... something, I'd not seen anything like them before, apparently Caelam had and warned us their collars would explode. The things were not as quick to react as Arias and she sent Caelam, Conviction and myself aloft to face them in the sky. The beasts were surprisingly weak themselves but something larger was to follow. Some kind of giant, mutilated and emitting a strange voice at us came upon us. Though it sent a mighty bolt of lightning at us we were upon it before it could do much and fell to the ground. The voice ranting at us that we not only refused to be a part of it's experiments but also killed their rabbit? No idea what that meant. That was all that was of note this day and we rested once we were close to Arlus.
The final day and our chance to enter Arlus. After Arias took a moment to view the city with some divination we entered the strangely empty city. We actually made it to the circle in the middle of the city without incident. Arias was even able to copy the sigils before something appeared. It was one of the Dragonborn that visited Vareholm a while ago. They bade us leave. I wanted an answer as to why we should and asked as much, but when my companions entered the portal they had opened without fuss I followed mentioning that we almost certainly would be coming back as they gave us no solid reason we shouldn't.
We stepped into Vareholm and I hope that the water will restore Mara. But even if it doesn't work once taken away from the well we did at least get access to a new set of teleportation sigils.

Korrik Blunttooth's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Return to the Fortress
    242 Deepsnow 1st to 3rd
  2. Well of Rest
    242 Winterwane 15th -19th

The major events and journals in Korrik Blunttooth's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Korrik Blunttooth.

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