Sovas Decarte | World Anvil

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Sovas Decarte
The Angel of Chárcourt

LG Dhampir (Sage)
Wizard 6
38 / 38 HP

After being granted divine power he has decided to attempt to find power from within instead and finish what his friend had started.

9th July

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Chár

Tarynia Barodak Marcel Alice Sovas
Run by Lt.Spacedonkey
9h July

TBD Vs Verna Veincracker

by Sovas Decarte

I haven't written anything in a while and for good reason. We have been extremely busy finding and defeating the first of the four hags!
To sum up what we went through to get to Verna; Get attacked->go to council-> save Alore->get changelling blood->kill prisoners(dragon, nightmare rider, and some weird tattoo man)->convince a member of the chained fist to help us->enter changelling labs->release children->kill Verna->save Vesk.
Now for some details;
Firstly, this time magic is so incredibly powerful and I don't believe anyone in the present day is aware of this branch of magic! I wasn't taught any of the magic associated with these spells at the university. I need to do some research into this. I have a theory that this magic was developed long ago and lost to the ages. Falling out of memory. The issue with this theory is that it is hard to prove that something isn't there...Maybe I could talk to some historians on the matter. I also believe that some caution is needed in believing what the chessboard is telling me about the nature of this magic. For all, I know an evil deity is being hind this. For now; I will exercise caution and start my research into the matter but being able to briefly rewind time is incredibly powerful.
Secondly, the group is determined to slight the council for no discernible reason. Whenever I ask them why the council is bad they come back at me with cryptic tautologies. Perhaps I should pull each of them aside and ask them in a less combative way to get to the root of why they believe the council to be bad. The council has done a lot for the region and char but the path was paved with blood. Maybe they were caught up in the bloodshed and have their perspective focused on the bad parts and not the good. Things like that can happen to anyone...I would know. What a hypocrite.
Thirdly, VERNA HAD A GOD DAMN BEHOLDER CHAINED UP! She was trying to hijack the beholder's dreamomantic empology to create and control real objects being conjured into the wormway plane. An interesting idea but as many scholars know; One cannot control the mind of a beholder. No matter the magic. However, I believe this is a hint as to TDC's true intentions. Something to do with the eternal mists and becoming gods. We know that the mists have legends and lore around separating the gods and them trying to ascend is certainly something worth thwarting. Lastly, on the topic of TDC, we STILL need to find out who our "friend" is. But my working theory is that Vesk under the hag's control managed to break it and set us on our path...I have no idea how he knows me but he was a changlling so he could have been anyone.
Fourthly, I can't believe Marcel has been able to meet his father...I have no idea what I would do if something like that happened. It's been so long I've been by myself I doubt I would even accept it. Even process it. I just can't shake the feeling of shame. I hated Marcel. We had been alone together for so long and now he just gets his farther...after all, it just works out. Just like that with the wave of a hadl; just like magic.
Filthy, My transition into becoming a Dhampir has been complete and my intellectual capabilities have far exceeded anything I could have hoped for. The ability to walk on the ceiling has been extremely useful and I don't think anyone in TBD has noticed either. The urges are hard to control sometimes and I feel the need to go out into the streets and find someone and drink the magical energy which accumulates when creatures dream. Even writing this makes my mouth water. Its divine. However, I need to find a better way of dealing with this as it could become a liability. Perhaps I could learn a spell to force a creature to sleep/dream to make the experience easier and less dangerous. I could also start working on a spell to extract the dream energy in a more...delicate...way. Maybe I could make a magical dreamcatcher from powerful magical tread which has an affinity for dreams and use it around people to passively collect the dream energies and not let it accumulate. All good things to consider and research must be done.
Sixthly, I need to find a way to remove my divine affinity to be able to expand in my arcane research. It's holding me back and if I remove it I will finally be free from my divine burden. My divine curse. My divine torcher. Then...maybe I can find a way to get her back...undo what had been done and change my life for the better. It is always worth remembering though that the sword of destiny is double-edged. One is me. The other is the Gods. I'll do my best to make it a fucking saber.


Sovas's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Sovas's history, from the beginning to today.

hey @6ba651e7-412e-4f8c-9cd0-8b6989133827 does this work?

7th July


7th July

TBD Vs Verna Veincracker

I haven't written anything in a while and for good reason. We have been extremely busy finding and defeating the first of the four hags! To sum up what we went through to get to Verna; Get attacked->go to council-> save Alore->get changelling blood->k...

05:10 pm - 20.08.2021

wow just found out that Alore was not evil the whole time and was just a victim of the hags!!! I knew the council wouldn't be in league with the hags

7th July

Feeling cute...might delete later lol XD

09:53 pm - 30.07.2021

Chárcourt In Flames

I'm still coming to terms with the revelation of who's behind these recent arson attacks. To think a hag was able to gain access to a member of the Council of Harmony. To have potentially have deceived, ensnared or even have been Alore this whole time. ...

09:42 pm - 30.07.2021

5 gold pieces to anyone who can beat me at a game of nehko chess. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I just don't really understand the offside rule yet.... :c

09:21 pm - 30.07.2021


08:20 pm - 29.07.2021

Dark Star Coven

Right so....what do I know so far. There are 4. We know their names and roughly where they are. There is a distinct correlation between each of the members of the party and each of the hags, I'm sure that has a vital reason to it. However, we don't know w...

06:59 pm - 23.07.2021

can't wait to kill some of these damn hags and become the most powerful mage in the land

06:44 pm - 23.07.2021

Not feeling too good about this "job" coming up :s Hope I'm doing the right thing

12:05 am - 05.07.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Sovas.

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Other Characters by DanColes99