Protector Vi'tiera Laezare | World Anvil

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Protector Vi'tiera Laezare

Level 8 Miana Lawful Neutral Rogue
(Spell Tattoo Artist)
/ 63 HP

A Cucuy using the guise of a mid twenties Caribbean woman. Her day job is that of a tattoo artist, doing both mundane and magical tattoos for those who desire body ink. However, she is a member of house Miana, a Seelie Court that protects the oppressed.

The major events and journals in Vi'tiera's history, from the beginning to today.

Worked on a new piece today, bit of body ink on a woman's lower back. She said she wanted a Corpse Flower, A Lotus specifically, growing through the bones of a hand, overgrown with vines. A strange request, but it turned out very well. She left me a Lotus blossom in addition to her payment. She said it would, "Bloom best in my presence", whatever that means. I planted it in a little pot by my sketching station in the parlor, hopefully it can be a muse of sorts.

04:33 am - 22.09.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Vi'tiera.