Nile Oakenbranch | World Anvil

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Nile Oakenbranch

New to the world, slightly naive, team player

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Mon 1st Jul 2019 02:08

Pre Haleth Heroes

by Nile Oakenbranch

Nile Oakenbranch. Age 20
Nile grew up in a forest near a village called Eldervair. Ever since she was little Nile wanted to serve The Wildmother, she thought she could accomplish that by becoming a Druid like her parents, after "the incident" she decided that wasn't her path and avoided the forests for a time. *flash back music* When she was 5 Nile wandered too far into the forest and found a large plant that attempted to eat her (Audrey 2 style). She escaped with a small raccoons' and her life. Her father found her what felt like hours later to her, it only being around 30 minutes. After being saved by Nile the baby raccoon became her companion and best friend. Now Oaklas (oak leaf in Elvish) the raccoon is as mischievous as any raccoon occasionally stealing things etc. Nile finding said items stowed away returns them to their owners and profusely apologizes for his behavior.
After being attacked, Nile started hanging around the village more and more. Here she meets a Paladin of Pelor an ally of The Wildmother. He told her tales from his journeys and gave her the idea of becoming a Paladin of The Wildmother. While she is in the village more and more her brother Neil (2 years younger) started his Druidic training (Circle of the Land (forest)) realizing he's a prodigy. With him being the youngest sibling he received more attention. This caused a rivalry and prank war between the two.
After many years Nile decided to leave her "tribe" to become a Paladin much to her parents (Lilith and Edgar) chagrin, they weren't super excited to hear that Nile wanted to leave home. Hearing that Nile was leaving Neil decided he'd go off and see the world, before they both left Neil issued a challenge: After 2 years they both come back home and tell tale of their adventures and decide who had the better adventure. As Nile was packing up her parents came to her with a beautiful Druid crafted shield that the whole tribe created for her journeys.

The major events and journals in Nile's history, from the beginning to today.

Pre Haleth Heros

Nile Oakenbranch. Age 20 Nile grew up in a forest near a village called Eldervair. Ever since she was little Nile wanted to serve The Wildmother, she thought she could accomplish that by becoming a Druid like her parents, after "the incident" she decid...

02:05 am - 01.07.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Nile.

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