Ukko | World Anvil

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Strange Finnish man with a spotty criminal background and an affinity for shiny objects.

The major events and journals in Ukko's history, from the beginning to today.

The Climax of the Pucker Job

03:31 pm - 04.01.2022

The Climax of the Pucker Job

01:17 am - 07.12.2021

Session 4: The Titterati Job Pt 2

03:51 pm - 06.12.2021

Session 4: The Titterati Job Pt 2

03:51 pm - 06.12.2021

Session 3: Working the shaft for Jason Pucker

05:18 am - 23.11.2021

Session 3: Working the shaft for Jason Pucker

05:18 am - 23.11.2021

Ukko will get his payout, one way or another..

04:00 am - 09.11.2021

Session 2: Hubba Hubba

04:00 am - 09.11.2021

Session 2: Hubba Hubba

01:36 am - 09.11.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Ukko.

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Other Characters by Vanderstrike