Elemental Guardian Shank Rickshaw | World Anvil

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Elemental Guardian Shank Rickshaw

Level 6 Earth Genasi Neutral Good Storm Herald Barbarian
(Folk Hero)
65 / 65 HP

Elemental Guardian of the Elemental Four yearns to uncover any elemental mysteries in his midsts. However he tries to avoid golems, he doesn't like them.

Campaign & Party

Played by
Wilkon Alszegi

Just a dude who loves D&D, VCE is stressing me and this is one of my escapes from that. Currently hosting D&D 5e Sessions with my own custom campaign.


The major events and journals in Shank's history, from the beginning to today.

The foundation of any problem always guides us to its solution.

02:28 am - 11.08.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Shank.

Played by
Wilkon Alszegi

Just a dude who loves D&D, VCE is stressing me and this is one of my escapes from that. Currently hosting D&D 5e Sessions with my own custom campaign.

Other Characters by Wilkon