Sasha Beatrice Tracy | World Anvil

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Sasha Beatrice Tracy

Sasha is a dark haired woman of average height and build for a farmer, her skin is tanned from working long days in the sun. She is always willing to help someone in need, provided it doesn't hurt someone she cares about.

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Thu 25th Mar 2021 04:47

The Courage of Children

by Sasha Beatrice Tracy

This story takes place before Grim Ascendance
When Sam and I were young when this happened, he and his master were touring the local farms. His master, a stern man, was having a discussion with my parents regarding their cattle and grain. We had a milk cow and a mean old bull that mom had bought to slaughter that winter.
Sam and I were out looking over the hens when we heard a crashing and a breaking wood. We looked over only to see that old bastard of a cow charging us like it had sworn a blood oath to kill us.
Now, I want you to keep in mind, we were 12. Not being normal 12 year olds, certainly, with him being an apprentice wizard and me doing basic training, our thought process was kind of skewed in the exact wrong direction. I remember digging in my footing, the earth had been softened from rain a day or so back, locking eyes with the bull and catching it by the horns. Now, I couldn't have stopped it by myself, even one on it's last legs as it was, I was *12*, but, after digging a 10 foot long divot in the ground, I realized that I wasn't. Sam had followed on my heels, one hand against my back, hepling to brace me, the other holding a focusing wand in a death grip, aimed right at the bull, and chanting a spell.
About that time Dad had reached us, he'd been the first to see the bull make a break for it, and he wrestled it to the ground, breaking it's neck.
We both got a long talking to about our decision making processes, by everyone. In my more romantic moments, I like to think that that moment is when we knew that the other person was 'the one.'

Sasha's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The Far Place
    20 Feb 2020 05:47:25
  2. The Courage of Children
    25 Mar 2021 04:47:47

The major events and journals in Sasha's history, from the beginning to today.

Rumble in the Ruins.

The Journal is well used, most previous entries deal with small scale issues and Sasha's day to day life. This marks the start of things to come. Captain Tyze has been sent, along with Greenhorn, Sure, Farmhand, Quarter, and myself to go investigate, a...

07:38 am - 17.11.2019

Aen damn curunir

This entry is short, more a companion piece to the previous one it seems. Well, we questioned the goblin. He is apparently a part of the "Thrakrull," a conglomerate of Anarch tribes and bandit camps seeking to overthrow the city and destroy the world a...

05:25 pm - 01.12.2019


--Some of this page is scrawled in a rush, as if they were trying to put their thoughts down as soon as they came to them. The words are jagged and rough, but legible.-- They know something about Samuel. Some element of the Anarch tribes was active up ...

06:51 am - 15.12.2019

It is possible that there is too much fire in my life.

The journal entry seems to be written neatly, a departure from recent entries. There is something to be said for fire. The Wisdom of the Grandmother says that fire may be a guide, leading you to the correct path. The Wisdom of the Grandfather says that...

11:45 pm - 28.12.2019

The Divide.

The handwriting on this page is sloppy, but deliberate, as if it took great effort to write but needed to be done. Today was not a good day. I am no great warrior, or thinker, or artisan. I've learned a few tricks over the years, some are things tha...

01:29 am - 30.12.2019


The writing of this Journal is sloppy and contains scattered thoughts, but legible, written at a time late in the evening. Hiljk is dead. Praise Be to Tyr and Arioch, we no longer have to deal with his nonsense. Now that we've removed his personal thre...

05:25 pm - 12.01.2020

Sides of a Coin, Only, I'm the Coin

I'm running out of leads. Maybe I'm blind, but the last real lead I have is these mysterious conjurers. If so, then my only real chance of finding them lie with The Seekers. Saying our farewells to Amera (and promising her that I'd return for her we...

03:07 am - 30.01.2020

Thinking, Plans, and other things that fail at first contact.

Well, today sure was... I'm not going to say exciting, but [i]interesting[/i]. First I'm handed enough gold to flat out buy a new farm (and fill it with pretty people to work it for me for a few months). When Cinder said we should pool our funds I was ...

01:54 am - 05.02.2020

A Quiet Day

[i]The Journal is written neatly, in contrast to previous entries.[/i] I almost forgot what it was like to just have a day where I wasn't doing anything important. The party is a little smaller now, but that's fine. Is it odd that I awoke to a den of t...

04:16 am - 18.02.2020

The Bastion of Truth, and other Angel nonsense

[i]The writing is slow and deliberate, as if the author had great difficulty placing pen to parchment.[/i] Well, normalcy has left the building. The Bastion apparently sits inside an extra-dimensional space. I think I remember Sam telling me about the ...

05:05 am - 18.02.2020

The Far Place

When I was a girl, around fourteen or so, I once asked my mother how knew how to use her abilities. I was just starting to figure out how to properly control my thaumaturgy at the time, something that all Intorins have, but my mom was special even among o...

05:47 am - 20.02.2020

The Courage of Children

This story takes place before Grim Ascendance When Sam and I were young when this happened, he and his master were touring the local farms. His master, a stern man, was having a discussion with my parents regarding their cattle and grain. We had a milk...

01:17 am - 13.11.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Sasha.

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