Melissa Tatjana Wolkow | World Anvil

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Melissa Tatjana Wolkow

Schicksalsschläge ...

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Fri 12th Jun 2020 11:10

A Dog later (3rd night)

by Melissa Tatjana Wolkow

Mel slept with the dog in the bathroom and next day they had to get some food. Not just for the dog but for Philip and Raphael. Mel tried to get some food in a bar, but she didn't believed in herself to get someone out and so she didn't even try. That made Phil mad so they got a Taxi snack when they got driven near Jacks Place. Mel snacked him that he got paralyzed and let Phil got more of that blood then they go to Jacks and Phil got a Bloodpack for Raphael and what he did first was drink the first sip and gave it then to Raph with this "sorry" look in his face.

Jack gave the dog some food and said to them how a ghoul was made. Then we dicided to get to a slaughtery house for blood and ordered a fridge for in 2 hours to our place. So we are in a rush right now

Melissa's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Melissa's history, from the beginning to today.



The first day of the rest of her life

test.[br] nächste zeile [b]fest[/b][br] oder eher [i]kursiv[/i]...

09:40 pm - 11.05.2020

One Night Later ... (2nd night)

We woke up and gone to Jaque's place. There we put on our new clothes and got to the Elysium.[br]Jaque tricked us and throw us out at several places. So we got seperated and after that we met our sires.[br]We talked some time and Marry my sire told me som...

08:49 pm - 20.05.2020

A Dog later (3rd night)

Mel slept with the dog in the bathroom and next day they had to get some food. Not just for the dog but for Philip and Raphael. Mel tried to get some food in a bar, but she didn't believed in herself to get someone out and so she didn't even try. That mad...

11:10 am - 12.06.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Melissa.

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Other Characters by Just_Sumi