Ana | World Anvil

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A bright, cheerful young elf with an inclination to name everything she obtains.

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Sun 8th May 2022 12:31


by Ana

Week 1:
I've been keeping a fairly low profile here in Sorewood, as is the smart thing. The others seem surprised at my appearance and newfound venom. I couldn't care less. We need to move on. Why are we staying here? It's too dangerous. Next thing we know, we'll be trapped with no way out. We need to look out for ourselves, and move on. I haven't been leaving Cards' side, as much as I can. Ecci and Cards come and go on bounties, I assume, and I know that they can take care of themselves. But still.
Week 2:
It's time to move on. But I need to wait until Cards and Ecci are ready. Annoying.
Week 3:
Cass keeps pushing my buttons, trying to find a way into my shell. It won't work. No way.
The day of the Cass incident:
Need to leave. Now. Immediately.

Ana's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. A Farewell to Beacon
    01 Jul 2021 04:33:29
  2. On the Road Again... Just Can't Wait To Be On the Road Again...
    09 Jul 2021 04:01:51
  3. Beacon
    8th of Lowsun
  4. Found!
    07 Aug 2021 08:36:23
  5. Sleepless Nights
    07 Aug 2021 08:50:45
  6. Featherwish's Wish
    9th of Rimefall
  7. Sorewood
    08 May 2022 12:31:55

The major events and journals in Ana's history, from the beginning to today.

Book IV | Chapter I | The Magistrate

04:42 am - 11.06.2023

Book IV | Chapter I | The Magistrate

11:58 pm - 10.06.2023

Book III | Chapter III | Road to Beacon

08:27 pm - 08.01.2023

Book III | Chapter III | Road to Beacon

02:07 am - 08.01.2023

Book III | Chapter II | Beyond the Break of Dawn

12:34 am - 08.01.2023

Book III | Chapter II | Beyond the Break of Dawn

03:45 am - 20.11.2022

Book III | Chapter I | Mystery Solved?

02:49 am - 20.11.2022

Book III | Chapter I | Mystery Solved?

02:43 am - 05.11.2022

Book III | Chapter I | Grove of the Blight Maker

07:01 pm - 14.08.2022

Book III | Chapter I | Grove of the Blight Maker

01:54 am - 14.08.2022

Book III | Chapter I | Blights & Frights

06:44 pm - 05.08.2022

Book III | Chapter I | Blights & Frights

06:43 pm - 05.08.2022

Book III | Chapter I | The Tunnels Below

06:40 pm - 05.08.2022

Book III | Chapter I | The Tunnels Below

02:10 am - 22.07.2022

Book III | Chapter I | Past Sins

05:00 pm - 18.07.2022

Book III | Chapter I | Past Sins

01:51 am - 15.07.2022

Book III | Chapter I | The Road to Hellford

06:07 am - 14.07.2022

Book III | Chapter I | The Road to Hellford

04:02 am - 05.07.2022

Book II | Chapter II | Developments

01:10 am - 12.06.2022

Book II | Chapter II | The Knitting Guild

09:15 pm - 08.05.2022


Week 1: I've been keeping a fairly low profile here in Sorewood, as is the smart thing. The others seem surprised at my appearance and newfound venom. I couldn't care less. We need to move on. Why are we staying here? It's too dangerous. Next thing we kn...

12:31 am - 08.05.2022

Book II | Chapter I | The Scarlet Way

01:04 am - 07.02.2022

Book II | Chapter I | The Scarlet Way

01:04 am - 07.02.2022

Book II | Chapter I | Rounding up the Stragglers

01:35 am - 17.01.2022

Book II | Chapter I | Rounding up the Stragglers

07:49 pm - 16.01.2022

Book II | Chapter I | Leaving Deadplains

01:30 am - 11.01.2022

Book II | Chapter I | Leaving Deadplains

11:11 pm - 09.01.2022

Book I | Chapter III | The Dominion

03:49 am - 05.01.2022

Book I | Chapter III | The Dominion

09:35 pm - 02.01.2022

Book I | Chapter III | Downtime in Deadplains II

08:49 pm - 26.11.2021

Book I | Chapter III | Downtime in Deadplains II

02:33 am - 24.11.2021

Book I | Chapter III | Downtime in Deadplains I

01:28 am - 22.11.2021

Book I | Chapter III | Downtime in Deadplains I

12:04 am - 22.11.2021

Book I | Chapter II | 3rd Annual Deadplains Talent Show

12:07 am - 19.11.2021

Book I | Chapter II | 3rd Annual Deadplains Talent Show

02:00 am - 08.11.2021

Book I | Chapter II | Shadows on the Plains

01:12 am - 07.11.2021

Book I | Chapter II | Shadows on the Plains

11:57 pm - 06.11.2021

Featherwish's Wish

9th of Rimefall. Twenty-one days away from the Rite of Passage. I see that Roland Featherwish, the local teacher, has posted for someone to help him with a class experiment on the help-wanted board. Of course, I want to help him with the children's ed...

07:04 am - 06.11.2021

Book I | Chapter II | Errands for Featherwish

06:54 am - 06.11.2021

Book I | Chapter II | Errands for Featherwish

02:50 am - 06.11.2021

Book I | Chapter II | Feral Undead Sighting

12:28 am - 04.11.2021

Book I | Chapter II | Feral Undead Sighting

10:04 pm - 31.10.2021

Chapter 2: Hunting Party Needed

01:59 am - 25.10.2021

Chapter 2: Hunting Party Needed

10:31 pm - 23.10.2021


06:05 am - 23.10.2021


02:27 am - 11.10.2021

Sleepless Nights

We are traveling to Deadplains. All I know for sure is that Samson Arwyle wanted us to go here, but he honestly didn't say anything else. I don't know what's coming or why. We shall see, I suppose. Just gotta keep on movin'! We camped in a swamp. Lacch...

08:50 pm - 07.08.2021


I found them!!!!!!!!! Ecci (Dragonborn bounty hunter) and Cards (Kenku gunslinger). Here on orders to follow and help them in whatever way they need. The sending stone has been very quiet recently, which is a bit worrisome, but I have to stay optimistic! ...

08:36 pm - 07.08.2021

Prologue Group Mission: Vestiges II

05:22 pm - 24.07.2021

Prologue Group Mission: Vestiges II

04:50 am - 24.07.2021

Prologue Group Mission: Cards/Ecci/Ana/Lachann I

08:05 pm - 13.07.2021

Prologue Group Mission: Cards/Ecci/Ana/Lachann I

10:20 pm - 12.07.2021

Prologue Mission: Ana III

06:39 pm - 09.07.2021

On the Road Again... Just Can't Wait To Be On the Road Again...

On the road from Rich Banks, going to Crossroads! We (Me and Breilla) end up in this quaint little town, Crossroads! We made four new friends: a shopkeeper, a sheriff, a drunk hobgoblin (my new favorite drinking buddy!) and a person who worked at the S...

04:01 am - 09.07.2021

Prologue Mission: Ana III

12:29 am - 09.07.2021

Adopted a horse while traveling through the city of Rich Banks. Analise named her Breilla. She is a fairly large, sturdily built Pinto horse with large white splotches on a brown coat.

04:56 am - 01.07.2021

A Farewell to Beacon

Shadow's Respite: A release from the Shadow of the rings over the valley. The old friend asks to see us again! In a different locale: underneath the city of Beacon. On our way there, me and Father go and get a Beacon fried specialty: a fry bread with ...

04:27 am - 01.07.2021

Prologue Mission: Ana II

04:17 am - 01.07.2021

Prologue Mission: Ana II

01:51 am - 01.07.2021

Prologue Mission: Ana I

06:20 am - 26.06.2021

Becoming A "Key Witness"


06:09 am - 26.06.2021

Prologue Mission: Ana I

02:49 am - 26.06.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Ana.

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