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Wed 8th Nov 2023 07:24

Back in West Themar, Already

by Miläwşä

This morning was nice, in a way. The thief, who I now know is named Ilyas, didn't steal anything. We all shared some food, but it’s not going to last long now that there’s more of us.
I went to Daddy’s grave, and there was this little squirrel, all shaky and shivery. It wasn't cold, but the squirrel just shook like that all the time. I gave it some food, and it stopped shivering a bit. I called him Shivar. Dunkin and Shivar got along okay – it’s funny seeing them together.
I found the sword and dagger in the house. There was a belt that came with it so I put it on. The sword’s too big for me, I can't take it out and it's too heavy, but the dagger feels just right. I put it on with the belt and hid it under my cloak. Don’t want people staring. I also take the sword with me even if it's big and heavy, when I grow up it will be fine.
We can’t stay at the farm, not with only a day's food left. So, me, Dunkin, Shivar, and Ilyas went back to the city. Dunkin led us right back through the sewers to the tavern. Ilyas’s friend was there and grabbed him, all mad-like. Ilyas told him how we got out of the city through the sewers.
The other thief, he got this look when he heard about the sewers. He got all excited, thinking about sneaking stuff in and out of the city. He wanted to know everything, so I told him – not about hearing through Dunkin, just the sewer stuff and that I heard the guards saying it ended in the river.
They said they’d give me food and a bed for showing them where the sewer ends. The bed is soft, and Dunkin and Shivar like it. I didn’t really want to say yes, but I don’t want them mad at me. Maybe it’ll be okay for a little while. I hope so. I don’t like owing people, especially thieves, but I don’t want trouble either.
Tonight, I’ll sleep in a real bed. It’s strange, not being on the ground. Dunkin’s curled up, and Shivar’s found a cozy spot. Ilyas seems alright, he’s not so bad. But I got to be careful. I don’t want to get mixed up in bad stuff. Just want to keep Dunkin and Shivar safe, and find a way to be okay. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Miläwşä's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The Day of Ashes
    04 Nov 2023 07:01:19
  2. Why won't they let me leave?
    04 Nov 2023 08:02:38
  3. The Day of Blood
    05 Nov 2023 10:43:02
  4. The Rat Girl
    05 Nov 2023 12:57:12
  5. I have been bad, but I saved Dunkin
    05 Nov 2023 05:44:58
  6. Straw dolls
    06 Nov 2023 07:37:02
  7. Trying to get back to the farm
    06 Nov 2023 07:47:53
  8. Not the gates, but the sewers? Yuck!
    07 Nov 2023 07:19:50
  9. It's too dark
    07 Nov 2023 07:25:03
  10. And there was light
    07 Nov 2023 07:38:12
  11. The marked girl
    08 Nov 2023 07:14:42
  12. Back at the farm
    08 Nov 2023 07:20:06
  13. Back in West Themar, Already
    08 Nov 2023 07:24:19

The major events and journals in Miläwşä's history, from the beginning to today.

Back in West Themar, Already

This morning was nice, in a way. The thief, who I now know is named Ilyas, didn't steal anything. We all shared some food, but it’s not going to last long now that there’s more of us. I went to Daddy’s grave, and there was this little squirrel, a...

07:33 pm - 08.11.2023

The Journal Entry’s title

This morning was nice, in a way. The thief, who I now know is named Ilyas, didn't steal anything. We all shared some food, but it’s not going to last long now that there’s more of us. I went to Daddy’s grave, and there was this little squirrel, a...

07:32 pm - 08.11.2023

Back at the farm

Today hurt less than yesterday, but my face still stings where the mark is. I went back to the market because my tummy was growling, and I had to be sneaky. People look at me different now, they shoo me away, but I managed to get some food. Then, this ...

07:24 pm - 08.11.2023

The marked girl

This morning, I woke up when it was still almost night, and the stones were just little glows. I had to get some food before going into the sewers, so I hid my shard of Lucerian stone with all my things. I told Dunkin to look after it, to protect our stuf...

07:19 pm - 08.11.2023

And there was light

These past weeks have been hard. Dunkin and I, we've been stuck in West Themar, and it's getting scarier. People are mean, and there's nowhere safe anymore. I've been running more than I walk, it feels like. The sewers were a bust again – too dark, a...

07:52 pm - 07.11.2023

It's too dark

Last night, I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about how to get into the sewers. It was pouring rain, so I put out a bowl to catch it – we always need water. But then, I thought, where does all the other rain go? I had to find out. So, even though I...

07:37 pm - 07.11.2023

Not the gates, but the sewers? Yuck!

Today felt like a big pile of nothing until it wasn’t. I sat by the city gate looking like I needed coins, but really I was trying to find a way out. The guards are always there, and they never leave the gate without others to replace them. They talk an...

07:24 pm - 07.11.2023

The Journal Entry’s title

Today felt like a big pile of nothing until it wasn’t. I sat by the city gate looking like I needed coins, but really I was trying to find a way out. The guards are always there, and they never leave the gate without others to replace them. They talk an...

07:23 pm - 07.11.2023

Trying to get back to the farm

These past weeks have been the hardest. More and more scary people come to West Themar, with marks on their faces. They look mean and do mean things. Daddy told me that people with a mark did bad stuff to get those marks, but I don’t know much about it....

08:03 pm - 06.11.2023

Straw dolls

A big cart full of straw passed by the other day, with horses and a mountain of straw that made me think of home. When it turned the corner, a bit of straw fell off. It felt like a gift from Awïlïn, so I took it and ran. Didn't feel right, but didn't fe...

07:47 pm - 06.11.2023

I have been bad, but I saved Dunkin

It's been four whole days since Dunkin and I had any food. My stomach feels like it's trying to eat itself and Dunkin... he's been so quiet and still. I've been sitting in the market, the place where people come to fill their bellies, begging. But it's li...

05:50 pm - 05.11.2023

The Rat Girl

The stones were dim tonight, like the world was holding its breath. And in the quiet, I heard a little noise. A tiny heart beating, a small life daring to move in the shadows. It was a rat, right there in my bag, nibbling on my bread. I wasn't even mad. I...

12:58 pm - 05.11.2023

The day of blood

Today was scary, like a bad dream but I couldn’t wake up. I thought I could go home to the farm, but the city wouldn't let me. It doesn't let anyone leave. There's a big angry crowd at the gates, and the guards are all in shiny armor. I don't like shiny...

10:59 am - 05.11.2023

Why won't they let me leave?

I don't know how many sleeps it's been since Daddy stopped being Daddy. The farm is quiet, and the animals are gone. I think they left because they missed Daddy's voice. I miss it too. Today, I had to go to the market because the bread was all green an...

10:58 am - 05.11.2023

The Day of Ashes

It's still dark, darker than the nights when the Lucerian stones seem to dim just a little, as if they are tired like I feel now. I had a scary dream, but when I woke up, I remembered it wasn't a dream. I wish it was. I wish I could wake up with Daddy's v...

10:58 am - 05.11.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Miläwşä.

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