Solaru Elsworth | World Anvil

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Solaru Elsworth
The one Who Consumes

An artificer trying to live his life, warped as it is.

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Spring, 1722

Log: Shopping and Looking for Tools

by Solaru Elsworth

Spring, 1722
Halseamer, Netonia
Went looking for tools with Senpai. I didn't have enough money for it, so I decided to ask if i can do him a favor instead. The dwarf said i can just mine ores for him....

Solaru's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Solaru's history, from the beginning to today.

Report: Cleaning up the Bandits, Dakon Fortress Area

# journal Solaru, 3 Agustus 2022 Created: July 17, 2022 11:43 PM [b]Halseamer, Summer 1722[/b] === Client: Alexander, Wood Elf, wagonmaster from Golden Hoof. Seems pretty racist. Typical elves… malah, Elf yang tinggal di tempat ini yan...

08:10 am - 04.08.2022

Log: Hikaru's Hunt for Hags.

Time: Summer 1772, Halseamer. Nggak lama setelah pulang dari jalan-jalan. [i]Maaf, Delphine, tapi perjanjiannya adalah mengantar kamu ke Treant Forest. Aku nggak paham kamu sama Druid jamur itu ngomong apa.[/i] [ul] [li]Client: Hikaru, Favor from G...

02:24 pm - 23.07.2022

Log: Shopping and Looking for Tools

Spring, 1722 Halseamer, Netonia Went looking for tools with Senpai. I didn't have enough money for it, so I decided to ask if i can do him a favor instead. The dwarf said i can just mine ores for him.......

08:27 am - 30.06.2022

Buset tupainya brutal

07:45 am - 30.06.2022

Memang Treant Forest ada apa sih...?

10:45 am - 26.06.2022

I almost died inspecting some chains from hell and this happened.

05:23 am - 30.05.2022
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Other Characters by miririri