Harrow | World Anvil

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None Levistus Tiefling (Entertainer - Baldur’s Gate)
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP

Campaign & Party

Date Unkown


by Harrow

I feel a change. My prison, cold and dark always, seems less... cold. It is a slight change for sure. But there seems a warmth. As of a body. At first, I imagined I felt a rumble, as of the foretelling of a great storm. The brief smell of ozone, as after a whip crack of lighting. Then it was gone, and in it's place, this odd warmth. Life, maybe? Surely, it is a dream, in this place of frigid eternity. No breeze, no stir, just the endless gaze of his eyes across the plane, unmoving. Neither breath, nor blink, nor twitch. And curious. Of all things to now stare back at me. A raven. So surely this must be a dream. Must be her cruel torment. It has to be.

Harrow's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Awakening?
    Date Unkown
  2. Epilogue?
    16 Oct 2023 12:02:50

The major events and journals in Harrow's history, from the beginning to today.

Session XVI: Chapter 6

12:11 am - 21.01.2024

Session XVI: Chapter 6

12:10 am - 21.01.2024

Session XIV: Chapter 6

11:58 pm - 12.01.2024

Session XIV: Chapter 6

07:39 pm - 06.01.2024

Session XIII: Chapter 5

08:34 pm - 29.12.2023

Session XIII: Chapter 5

08:34 pm - 29.12.2023

December 2, 2023

11:43 am - 12.12.2023

December 2, 2023

08:13 pm - 02.12.2023

Session VII: Finishing Chapter 2

10:32 am - 29.10.2023

Session VII: Finishing Chapter 2

07:02 pm - 28.10.2023

Session V: Mopping up in Greenest

07:25 pm - 15.10.2023

Session V: Mopping up in Greenest

07:25 pm - 15.10.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Harrow.

Caroline Kimzey