Nyar Blanche | World Anvil

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Nyar Blanche
The Nefarious Bamboozler

Level 1 Gnome CN Wizard
(Misguided Orphan (Urchin))
6 / 6 HP

Dazzling trickster and nefarious bamboozler of the Salty Seashake tavern. Prodigy of the wise back alley possession borrower and dealer of dangerous goods Dan "the daring nosed" Danger. Nyar is a "totally" reliable friend.

Day 1 after the Portal...


by Nyar Blanche

There I was, minding my own business; and perhaps borrowing the spell book of an arch-wizard who had kindly offered me a place to stay; and next thing I know, bwaaaam bwwooozzzzzzt kwooosh, a huge round bubble pops up in front of me. Now, I know I should be more careful, but it's a portal! a gooey bubbly tunnel that could take me to anywhere, of course I was excited.
Too excited... I uhh jumped into it and found myself falling. Which would've been okay, but I was falling for a looooong time, luckily uhm. I used my coat as a makeshift parachute and eventually, I landed, somewhere?
This place is strange. It looks different to where I was and for some reason, it's the middle of the day now, was night five minutes ago...
In conclusion, I'm never, ever trusting portals again, maybe...

Nyar's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Dan's not back
    4th Coldeven, 570
  2. Okay I got lost!
    30th Coldeven, 570
    Day 1 after the Portal...

The major events and journals in Nyar's history, from the beginning to today.


There I was, minding my own business; and perhaps borrowing the spell book of an arch-wizard who had kindly offered me a place to stay; and next thing I know, bwaaaam bwwooozzzzzzt kwooosh, a huge round bubble pops up in front of me. Now, I know I should ...

04:18 pm - 31.05.2022

Okay I got lost!

Look, I don't want to sound stupid, but i may have passed the same ruin of a tower eight times now. So either this side of the country is filled with limited architectural creativity; or I'm walking in circles. Well, I should be okay, there's plenty of...

06:42 am - 03.07.2020

Dan's not back

It's been a month now and he isn't back. Who else is gonna help me tease the locals, what an idiot. I wish he'd at least tell me when he'd get back next time. You know what, I'm sick of waiting, he's like my parents, running off. I want my own advent...

12:02 am - 04.06.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Nyar.

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Other Characters by NyekoBlanc