Vys Laen | World Anvil

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Vys Laen

Vys Laen, a satyr born under a full moon in Autumn while their parents ate one another. How they survived is a wonder to many, including Vys themself. They eventually found faith under the Seven, and the stars above.

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Fingers of Gath

Campaign & Party

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Other characters

Mv or something I guess

by Vys Laen

1 MV : Donation
2 MV : Ryne NPC event (DM)
3 MV : DDonger (Player)
4 MV : On the Wings of Hel RP Event (DM)
5 MV : Session : Slaver's Hunt (Player)
7 MV : Session : Chaos Undivided (Player)
8 MV: RP Event : Dsangir Attack the Glittering Halls (DM)
9 MV: RP Event : Healing Hearthhome (Player)
10 MV: Session : Crimes of Passion (Player)
11 MV: Donation
12 MV: Session Un-Observatory
13 MV: Session Un-Observatory
16 MV: Session Un-Observatory
21 MV: Session Lotus Unfurls

The major events and journals in Vys's history, from the beginning to today.

Mv or something I guess

1 MV : Donation 2 MV : Ryne NPC event (DM) 3 MV : DDonger (Player) 4 MV : On the Wings of Hel RP Event (DM) 5 MV : Session : Slaver's Hunt (Player)...

07:25 am - 14.03.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Vys.

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Other Characters by Jatiri