Eligius Yami | World Anvil

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Eligius Yami

9-Level Sorcerer

Sarcastic, difficult to motivate, and overall a drag at times, Eligius Yami is a half oni of the formerly named Az'gal Manto. In his spare time, he often is a womanizer, and by sheer miracle of occasion, being a functional person by his quick wit.

Campaign & Party

Expedition team

Julian Varis Eligius Filea Radegast Gothmog Kosuke

The Charming Siren

Eligius Radegast Gothmog
Run by ThornRHylian
Played by
Other characters
Sun 14th Apr 2024 09:57

Notes and Crap (entry thirty-seven)

by Eligius Yami

[insert random Eligius doodling's over the course of a week of travel, various prayers to Shizune Hikari]
Well I haven't properly written my thoughts on the last week of travel. We traveled this glassy hellscape for several days straight, seeing nothing but foggy and clear glass beneath our feet, glancing upon the bedrock below, and nothing but the heat and the bright sun to give us company. We killed all of the Immortal Flames cultists in the previous camp, so we were left with no sense of direction, hardly a sense of their plans besides a shred of burnt text we found. We were at our wit's end when we finally found another wreckage of a small town, or what we later found was the ruins an entire Abbey and town that was retrofitted for their uses. Admittedly, I was rather hasty in my attack, used explosive kunai on a group of them, alerting the entire town's worth of immortal flames. It was a long and difficult fight, many of us nearly dying in the process. However the risk bore plenty of fruit, we managed to capture one of the Immortal Flames' cultists, I dominated his mind to my will, and through that magic we got the information we desperately needed, combined with the surrounding landscape after facing off against the Bone Devil a day later.
The Daughter of the Phoenix carries a great power within her, the remnants of the Primordial Phoenix that struck down this land a century prior, likely was born in this devastation or carried this great power within her blood.... a sorcerer like me. From what the cultist said, has died over and over again, and always to come back, I believe ritualistically killing her, accidentally, or many other means. The Father of the Phoenix is an old man, ancient in his stature, gray long hair, beard, not much is known about his name, or any other identifying factors; he rarely shows his face. The immortal Flames' goal was to use this "daughter's" innate power to bring forth a second calamity, and concentrating it using the power of the Plane of Fire, a large, several miles long ritual circle that surrounded what's left of the mountain the original phoenix was defeated.
With that information gotten... we decided the fate of the cultist, we chose to spare him. Enforcing my will upon his mind, he marched back to Demonitis to allow himself to get arrested by the guard there... and ignoring my spell enacted orders to carry food and water with him. Among the corpses of his fellow followers, we found a lot more scripture [information forthcoming, Eligius writes it down all here], it will take time to read it all. As we decided the fate of the cultist, a great pillar of flaming light sprout up into the sky, we have little time.
Marching onwards westward, traveling along the ritual circle river of lava surrounding the pillar of fire. We were ambushed by the Bone Devil again, and the husk of a fire serpent sprouting forth from the molten rock. It was a hard fought fight, my mind greatly impacted by the Devil's fear effects, and devil's normal immunities to elemental magics, I was out of my element in this fight, the others fared better however, defeating this wretched creature.
To this day, I can somewhat understand why we spared the devil, killing it would have caused problems down the line, perhaps problems we could have taken care of! Given that I have signed a contract already with Azaerlea, and now Varis signing one between that creature and Azaerlea as well, even with the stipulation that no more harm will come to us, where did that promise go when I originally signed it? A new devil and their forces are bound to show up until we somehow stop this madness!
It would be madness as well to trust a single word this Bone Devil says, as his past actions spoke for themselves. The Winter's Children cultists turned into grinded down corpses with... so many limbs removed and replaced... and stuffed into creating snow golems, and their souls devoured. I wished to end that devil's wretched life, banishing him for decades to the ooze of the hells, but... for Varis's sake, my respect for Filea's Oath of Mercy, and for the sake of my soul, we let him live. He provided scrolls to aid in resisting fire, but I will not partake in his hellish magic, I have my own methods of protection against the fire magics.
However... his words that I may end up in hell, or perhaps the Abyss due to my heritage, my rage....I pray to Shizune he is wrong. I do not trust a word he says, but... I admit I have my doubts. I would never cast my hand on an innocent life, never again. I pray that I stay alive long enough to prove him wrong... the Immortal Flames and beyond will bring my body and power to its limits. Well at least one thing Novia, if I hand this book of random notes and crap to you again, lest be assured that my worries were for nothing!

  • Eligius Yami

  • Eligius's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

    1. Notes and Crap (entry one), by Eligius Yami
      29 Jun 2020 06:18:47
    2. Notes and Crap (entry two)
      25 Jul 2020 03:52:41
    3. Reprieve Shenanigans (Entry One)
      09 Aug 2020 09:17:28
    4. Notes and Crap (entry three)
      09 Aug 2020 10:03:10
    5. Notes and Crap (entry four)
      25 Aug 2020 03:17:17
    6. 1st Letter to Mother
      25 Aug 2020 03:49:16
    7. 1st Letter to Father
      25 Aug 2020 04:10:35
    8. Notes and Crap (entry five)
      17 Sep 2020 03:17:51
    9. Notes and Crap (entry five)
      17 Sep 2020 03:24:45
    10. Randera Shenanigans (Entry One)
      17 Sep 2020 04:07:49
    11. 2nd Letter to both Mother and Father
      17 Sep 2020 04:29:43
    12. Notes and Crap (entry six)
      03 Oct 2020 02:54:09
    13. Notes and Crap (entry seven)
      03 Oct 2020 04:17:44
    14. Notes and Crap (entry eight)
      06 Nov 2020 04:16:30
    15. Notes and Crap (entry nine)
      02 Dec 2020 07:37:57
    16. Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry One)
      30 Jan 2021 12:12:14
    17. Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry Two)
      05 Apr 2021 05:01:52
    18. Notes and Crap (entry ten)
      05 Apr 2021 05:02:39
    19. Hakumei Shenanigans (entry one)
      05 Apr 2021 05:23:52
    20. Notes and Crap (entry eleven)
      05 Apr 2021 05:52:44
    21. 3rd Letter to both Mother and Father
      11 Apr 2021 01:55:35
    22. 1st Letter to Xozgoral Manto
      11 Apr 2021 02:14:56
    23. Notes and Crap (entry twelve)
      19 Apr 2021 08:50:47
    24. Notes and Crap (entry thirteen)
      19 Apr 2021 09:13:41
    25. Notes and Crap (entry fourteen)
      29 Jun 2021 02:30:07
    26. Notes and Crap (entry fifteen)
      19 Aug 2021 12:18:36
    27. Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry Four)
      29 Aug 2021 05:46:32
    28. Notes and Crap (entry sixteen)
      22 Sep 2021 02:58:45
    29. Notes and Crap (entry seventeen)
      25 Sep 2021 12:23:20
    30. Notes and Crap (entry eighteen)
      24 Nov 2021 03:03:15
    31. Notes and Crap (entry nineteen)
      09 Dec 2021 04:47:37
    32. Notes and Crap (entry twenty)
      19 Mar 2022 05:36:59
    33. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-one)
      22 Mar 2022 08:50:05
    34. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-two)
      04 Apr 2022 03:52:12
    35. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-three)
      08 Apr 2022 09:12:14
    36. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-four)
      19 Jun 2022 07:59:29
    37. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-five)
      19 Jun 2022 08:32:02
    38. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-six)
      22 Aug 2022 07:16:10
    39. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-seven)
      04 Oct 2022 03:45:49
    40. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-eight)
      12 Feb 2023 01:44:23
    41. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-nine)
      11 Apr 2023 01:12:45
    42. Notes and Crap (entry thirty)
      09 Jul 2023 06:04:28
    43. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-one)
      23 Aug 2023 01:49:04
    44. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-two)
      25 Sep 2023 09:05:17
    45. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-three)
      01 Oct 2023 12:48:35
    46. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-four)
      29 Oct 2023 11:45:19
    47. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-five)
      11 Jan 2024 09:18:58
    48. The Journal Entry’s title
      16 Feb 2024 11:56:54
    49. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-six)
      16 Feb 2024 11:57:37
    50. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-seven)
      14 Apr 2024 09:57:17

    The major events and journals in Eligius's history, from the beginning to today.

    Notes and Crap (entry thirty-seven)

    [insert random Eligius doodling's over the course of a week of travel, various prayers to Shizune Hikari] Well I haven't properly written my thoughts on the last week of travel. We traveled this glassy hellscape for several days straight, seeing nothin...

    04:02 am - 15.04.2024

    Notes and Crap (entry thirty-seven)

    [insert random Eligius doodling's over the course of a week of travel, various prayers to Shizune Hikari] Well I haven't properly written my thoughts on the last week of travel. We traveled this glassy hellscape for several days straight, seeing nothin...

    11:37 pm - 14.04.2024

    Notes and Crap (entry twenty-eight)

    [written after the talk with Julian, before he leaves] It was a rather uneventful traveling across the western lands of Randera. Landing on the coast, we ended up in the "Lower Desert" nearby to the west of Foxhole. We traveled for about a day or two, ...

    01:44 am - 12.02.2023

    Notes and Crap (entry twenty-seven)

    [Many Scratched out names for renaming / refurbishing / rebranding the brothel into a sushi shop] - Samurai Sushi - Shinobi Sushi - Kuchi Sushi - House of Hatashina - MANY OTHER NAMES Today, our group set out from Desert Rose after preparing our c...

    03:45 pm - 04.10.2022

    Notes and Crap (entry twenty-six)

    [Set after talking to Empress Novia and meeting his Aunt Ezran, turning his katana over for refurbishing] At this point, I'm not sure why I still write these. Maybe to just write out my thoughts perhaps, I shall never know. Novia, since you read these,...

    08:39 pm - 20.08.2022

    Notes and Crap (entry twenty-five)

    - Set before the end of the session with the Gerudo Festival, arriving at the palace - It's been a long... month I think it's been. I truly have lost track of how long I was gone, being out to sea and underground. Some Gerudo have stated we've been gon...

    08:32 pm - 19.06.2022

    Notes and Crap (entry twenty-four)

    Well, it seems luckily, I survived our latest encounter with the head of the Goblins: Quickthinks Allthoughts was his name. I got to say, he was a mad tyrant over his people... he had to be put down. Little did I know his mastery over stolen Volcanorian t...

    07:59 pm - 19.06.2022

    Notes and Crap (entry twenty-three)

    Empress Novia, progress has been slow but steady in this accursed underwater base. Honestly, I'm not sure how the goblins even survive if it weren't for pillaging. I personally haven't seen any crop or livestock growth as of yet. I assume it's closer to t...

    09:12 pm - 08.04.2022

    Notes and Crap (entry twenty-two)

    *written after the initial invasion of the goblin base, and being cooped up for a week in the Ocean Drinker* Empress Novia, this time deep beneath the sea, it has become clear my mind's at its lowest point (No pun intended for once). I don't know what'...

    03:52 am - 04.04.2022

    Notes and Crap (entry twenty-one)

    Okay Novia... the more I go on, the more I'm thinking maybe my methods... those of the people whom I accompany... it's getting pretty violent and inexcusable... nothing to be proud of, nor write home to. To give context, after the trials and having a ...

    08:50 pm - 22.03.2022

    Notes and Crap (entry twenty)

    So, it would seem their "Trial" was similar to that of a Rite of Passage for some oni clans. Things got pretty interesting during that time, and by interesting, pretty dangerous. So, there we were, being challenged to man a sand gliding ship, in search of...

    05:36 pm - 19.03.2022

    Notes and Crap (entry nineteen)

    Well isn't this place dandy, I was thinking the women on the sand boat were the only ones that discriminatory, but gods above, their entire society does the same thing! City's gleaming out greatly at night in the distance, all while the men get the most m...

    04:47 am - 09.12.2021

    Notes and Crap (entry eighteen)

    The journey back to Desert Rose was rather uneventful. We just took a caravan back, and aside from the occasional sights of sand, cacti, and rocks nothing really happened. Once I got back, I went straight back to my mansion to find Mum and Pa taking to th...

    03:03 am - 24.11.2021

    Notes and Crap (entry seventeen)

    [random written notes about the great library of the dwarves, their history of going underground and remaining isolationist for centuries, millennia even due to a vampiric incident ages ago] *written after the events of the scouting session and the tal...

    12:23 am - 25.09.2021

    Notes and Crap (entry sixteen)

    Alright, Novia's and the Roses got me to going after another target from the dossiers, this time being the Cu's Fist. Ichihara-Sensei had a hoot about them, let me tell you. Anyways, it seems they were out east, out in the Cu Mountains. We traveled north ...

    02:58 am - 22.09.2021

    Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry Four)

    The week-long visit back home was rather needed given recent events. I walked across the entire desert in my bloodied robes, soaking in the fact that I actually killed someone, and it didn't even set in with that fact until like a day later. First person ...

    05:46 pm - 29.08.2021

    Notes and Crap (entry fifteen)

    Alright... last we left off, we forced information out of a Snakeroot's Bite cultist girl about where they held the stolen food as well as their main base. We did remain skeptical however, as the girl might have been lying. Rad apparently had captured one...

    12:18 am - 19.08.2021

    Notes and Crap (entry fourteen)

    Alrighty Novia, I got to say I am writing this on a more somber note. I must say right after I left for Kobir, I wasn't expecting something to pursue our party to be to the point of wanting to steal our souls... want to guess what happened? No? Well too b...

    02:30 am - 29.06.2021

    Notes and Crap (entry thirteen)

    Hey, get this Novia, something strange happened to me, and everyone else were given dossiers on these organizations I was granted a vision on back in the Graveyard. After delving into the puzzle for.... an embarrassing amount of time. I gotta stop overthi...

    09:13 pm - 19.04.2021

    Notes and Crap (entry twelve)

    Okay! So it's been a few days since I wrote my last entry, so that's fun isn't it Novia? Listen well Empress because it is time for another wild ride through the Graveyard. So! We embark on our journey back to the land of the forge, the place where I face...

    08:50 pm - 19.04.2021

    1st Letter to Xozgoral Manto

    To Xozgoral Manto (inside the scroll below) Hey Auntie, it's Eligius, I did what you asked and delivered letters for you. In my delivering, a monk and sensei of mine, Ichihara Suzu noted those I was delivering letters to would be hesitant with th...

    02:14 am - 11.04.2021

    3rd Letter to both Mother and Father

    To Az'gal and Angelus Ryozo, (inside the scroll is below) Hey mum, pa, I know I haven't written in a while, but I am doing well. I am in a place called Desert Rose out in Randera still helping Novia save the world. Ichihara-Sensei has decided to ...

    01:55 am - 11.04.2021

    Notes and Crap (entry eleven)

    (First part written right as he's traveling alone, second part after the samurai fight) Damn Joryth, damn these "friends" that fight by my side, damn this whole restoration effort! I can't go one day without someone insulting my intelligence, demeaning...

    05:52 pm - 05.04.2021

    Hakumei Shenanigans (entry one)

    This one's a brief one, so don't expect some supremo life lessons learned Novia. It was basically going home and doing things I needed to do. Rule of the first, I went home to visit family, got a hot meal and some hugs, good stuff, then visited Joryth'...

    05:23 pm - 05.04.2021

    Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry Three)

    (Writing backlog, forgot to cover this session Okay... well that was an adventure. Our first adventure back into the graveyard... man I felt like I was being teased throughout this whole thing. My first day to impress the ladies with my magic and I get t...

    05:01 pm - 05.04.2021

    Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry Two)

    (Set before the sword session, just backtracking) Okay! So I found this damn journal stuck between bed sheets, knew I hid it somewhere, just forgot. So get this, Maria and Petra, girls you are kind of nice.... but I'm not sure about either of you. You ...

    05:42 pm - 16.03.2021

    Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry One)

    Okay, I have missed quite a bit since my last entry. Let's see.... the casual haunting of something called a camel... might be evil, meeting the locals of this place, finding even an oasis with some gigantic ray, whatever that is. The material plane's ani...

    12:12 am - 30.01.2021

    Notes and Crap (entry nine)

    Oh the son of a bitch! He wrote in my damn journal! That horn headed demon! It messes up the chaotic order in my journal and everything! Not only did he do that, I he took over my body! Novia, from my perspective, what had happened followed this... I f...

    07:37 am - 02.12.2020

    Notes and Crap (entry eight)

    Athradte was our destination for eliminating the heart of the forest, the crystalline abomination. We ripped it out root and stem after an elven guide showed us the summer tree that they use for their solstice rituals. The tree itself was a giant oak with...

    04:16 am - 06.11.2020

    Notes and Crap (entry seven)

    [There was an entry where he was getting a gift for Novia, mainly the 1k gp elven dress and jewelry, but he covers it up because he doesn't want to spoil it... because he hasn't bought it yet.] [There was an entry where he woke up in his underwear, cov...

    04:17 am - 03.10.2020

    Notes and Crap (entry six)

    Okay, so here's what happened in our little adventure this time Novia. We were going to the heart of the forest just like those mind scrambling visions said... we head on our merry way to Athradte by following Rad by taking a shortcut through the forests ...

    02:54 am - 03.10.2020

    2nd Letter to both Mother and Father

    To Angelus Ryozo and Az'gal Yami, I am once again writing to both of you to make things easier on my part, I am writing this just before I head out on another expedition. I'm writing now to tell you that the adventures are pretty same old at this point...

    04:29 am - 17.09.2020

    Randera Shenanigans (Entry One)

    Okay, so on my way back from nabbing Hydra and Ms. Split Personality Aela and Seele from Glacier's Rest, I did myself a little side gig with the money I've gotten. So I found this sweet little bar in the capitol on the way back, near the MCA building, a b...

    04:07 am - 17.09.2020

    Notes and Crap (entry five)

    Hey Novia, if you guessed we went into that freaky plant filled monstrosity of a hellhole and fought ravenous crystal plants.... you are exactly right. So, we took your portal to this place and started our investigation around the area, finding any scroll...

    03:24 am - 17.09.2020

    1st Letter to Father

    Dear Angelus Ryozo, Hey pa, I know we... aren't on the best of terms.... if not any... but... my guiding spirit convinced me to send letters to you... I genuinely hope this reaches you at some point... I don't even know where you are with all your miss...

    04:10 am - 25.08.2020

    1st Letter to Mother

    Dear Az'gal Yami, Hey mum, I guess it's high time I started writing about my time being the champion of the oni and kitsune. I just want to say, that I am alright, and am adjusting well in this town of Reprieve, aside from some adventurers here and the...

    03:49 am - 25.08.2020

    Notes and Crap (entry four)

    Novia, you would kill me if I didn't explain what happened while we were gone. Long story short, we talked around a crowd in glacier's rest... I think I am a popular person there now, and then lowkey blew up a crystal infested wizard tower. Now that I got...

    03:17 am - 25.08.2020

    Session 2: demolition

    02:16 am - 25.08.2020

    Session 2: demolition

    02:16 am - 25.08.2020

    Notes and Crap (entry three)

    Of all the things that were to happen on my first adventure Novia, guess what happened... if you guessed I overslept, you are right. The twist this time is that I wasn't partying, but reading up on my clan's history. So... yeah, that happened... you saw m...

    10:03 pm - 09.08.2020

    Reprieve Shenanigans (Entry One)

    Well since Novia's probably scrying on me, I got to seem productive, so aside from the usual stuffs such as going about the town. I thought it would be nice to have a celebration for Oni culture, something I can really get behind. So I got some cheap, yet...

    09:17 pm - 09.08.2020

    Notes and Crap (entry two)

    Just because Empress Novia so ***graciously*** has me writing these dang things. So I finally met some potential people you wanted me to get for the Graveyard, yes ma'am I did it. So you expect that we made it to your luxury airship to get to Reprieve, an...

    03:52 am - 25.07.2020

    Session 1: Sun Fox Raid

    12:16 am - 22.07.2020

    Session 1: Sun Fox Raid

    12:16 am - 22.07.2020

    Notes and Crap (entry one), by Eligius Yami

    Ugh... I can't believe Empress Novia actually made me keep track of what I am doing on my adventures... that overbearing stressaholic of a kitsune... no one should dare tell me what to do! Fine.... she seriously wants me to say what I did on an airship of...

    05:41 am - 29.06.2020

    Session 0 (Charming Siren):

    05:11 am - 29.06.2020

    Session 0 (Charming Siren):

    05:11 am - 29.06.2020

    The list of amazing people following the adventures of Eligius.

    Played by

    Other Characters by PauseZero