Asher | World Anvil

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13-Level Hospitaler

With discipline drilled into him from a young age by the Sunlit order, Asher works to atone for sins that are not his own. He's constantly nervous and overthinking, but has nothing but good intentions

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A.S.S (Association des Sweet Seven)

Wiltram Kreighton Robert Asher Nabintou Jib'ammajig Hiro R'egrül'ebrel
Run by Valkyrem
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Tue 5th Dec 2023 01:45

Maiwen letter

by Asher

I’m aware that sympathies are worth nothing to you right now, especially not from mortals and especially not from me. Still, at the risk of infuriating you even more than you already are, I just want to say that I'm sorry about how things happened. I'm not going to pretend like I know how you feel, but I'd wager it's something along the lines of furious and miserable and hopeless and confused. I know that’s how I would feel anyway. It’s presumptuous of me and almost offensive to think that I understand you, and maybe I’m completely wrong, but I’d like a chance to say to you what I wish someone had told me when I was in your position.
Whatever you believe about your mother now, about how good or bad she was, if you ever come to the conclusion that she wasn’t what you thought, then I just want you to know that it doesn't change what she was to you. I think you loved your mother unconditionally and I would assume she loved you twice as much. No matter what she might have done, that is still true. No matter what we say about her or how we condemn her actions, your love is still valid. You're allowed to love your mother and mourn her for the person she was to you. What I'm saying is probably either not making sense or just downright insulting to you right now, but I guess my words aren’t so much for you now but for the you that might be. Maybe there will come a time when you'll see why we did what we did. Maybe someday when you learn about what your mother has done and forge your own opinions on the matter, when maybe you're left to grapple with the dissonance in your head between what you think you should be feeling and what you actually feel, I just hope you remember this. You're allowed to love people who've done bad things. It doesn't make them good, it doesn't make you bad, it's just how it is. Took me way too long to make peace with that, so hopefully you won't have to or it'll come more easily.
I'm thankful you even read me to this point instead of just ripping this letter in half without opening it. So thank you for letting me say my piece. As useless as it is to say, I'm still sorry you had to live through this and I'm sorry for what you'll have to live through in the future. I don't expect forgiveness for any of us. I just hope someday you're able to see past the vengeance that your grief will demand. I realize how hypocritical that is to say, especially considering how so many couldn’t forgive your mother, but I can still wish for a better fate for you. For more peace. I don’t know how much of the mortal world you’ve really seen, but I hope you get to see it through your own eyes and on your own terms eventually. I’m gonna be honest, it kinda sucks. A lot of the time and in lots of places. We’re far from perfect, but still, there’s good in us and the world we have. Imperfect as it is, imperfect as we are, I think it’s still worth something. I pray you get to see it. I pray your anger and pain lessens, even if it never goes away, and that it makes you into a kind of person you’re proud of.
An adventurer who really wished things hadn’t turned out the way they did.

Asher's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. To the headmaster of the Sunlit order in Thyneserine
    08 Jul 2022 04:40:49
  2. Unsent letter
    08 Jul 2022 04:41:18
  3. Second letter
    13 Jul 2022 06:12:23
  4. Maiwen letter
    05 Dec 2023 01:45:16

The major events and journals in Asher's history, from the beginning to today.


06:23 am - 13.07.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Asher.

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