Detective Vernon Miller | World Anvil

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Detective Vernon Miller

LN Human (Investigator)
Rogue 5
33 / 33 HP

Campaign & Party

Curse of Strahd OG

Marisa Emillia Vernon V'Ropti

Adventurers of Barovia

Marisa Emillia Ellie Vernon Adria V'Ropti
Run by Voidwalker1122
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Sun 10th Jul 2022 11:02


by Detective Vernon Miller

We left the hill without further incident and returned to the Martikovs’ Winery with the gem in our possession. We were allowed inside and after some discussion were welcomed to stay the night, or any other night should we happen to find ourselves in this part of Barovia in return for our service to them. I also asked them if they knew anything of what the druids or Kavan spoke of, though Davian seemed largely unaware. We also agreed to guard the Martikov’s shipment of wine to Vallaki, and to have an additional two barrels taken to Krezk. Come morning we were each granted multiple supply packs, all of which contained a healing potion. Soon after we set off along the road to Vallaki as planned. Upon arrival we decided it best that Emilia and Jig stay out of the town, so Neph and I went in to stock up on supplies. Upon entering, the Martikov brothers pointed us towards a tailor and blacksmith where we could pick up clothes and bolts respectively. As we started to go on our way, the guards gave us some trouble but I assured them we weren’t going to cause any trouble and that we were just here to stock up on supplies and leave, which convinced them to leave us alone. First stop was the Cracked Anvil, a blacksmith’s shop, where I hoped to resupply on bolts. I wasn’t able to have any bolts made given the short notice, however the smith did have a dozen silvered bolts he was willing to part with due to our party’s efforts in saving the town. However, Neph set off a surge of wild magic, nearly killing the shopkeeper and injuring myself. As such, a fight almost broke out and we were kicked out of the shop. Afterwards, I had some harsh words with Neph about avoiding unintended casualties, and I made my way to the Tailor’s by myself. Although, as we were talking we saw that the Burgomaster’s house burned down as we passed by, and in its place a set of gallows were erected upon which the Burgomaster, his family, and Izek were hung. It would seem that the townspeople finally got fed up with Vargas Vallakovich's leadership. Eventually I arrived at the tailor, and upon entering I was greeted by two men and a woman running the shop. Thankfully, things went far smoother here and I was able to get the clothes we needed without incident.

Vernon's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Everything up until now
  2. 2/13/22
    14 Feb 2022 01:28:01
  3. 2/27/22
    14 Mar 2022 12:43:42
  4. 3/13/22
    20 Mar 2022 10:52:33
  5. 3/20/22
    21 Mar 2022 02:08:10
  6. 3/27/22
    28 Mar 2022 12:39:28
  7. 4/10/22
    10 Apr 2022 10:06:35
  8. 4/24/22
    01 May 2022 08:00:03
  9. 5/22/22
    10 Jul 2022 11:02:16
  10. 7/3/22
    10 Jul 2022 11:02:37

The major events and journals in Vernon's history, from the beginning to today.


We left the hill without further incident and returned to the Martikovs’ Winery with the gem in our possession. We were allowed inside and after some discussion were welcomed to stay the night, or any other night should we happen to find ourselves in th...

11:02 pm - 10.07.2022


We left the hill without further incident and returned to the Martikovs’ Winery with the gem in our possession. We were allowed inside and after some discussion were welcomed to stay the night, or any other night should we happen to find ourselves in th...

10:12 pm - 10.07.2022


Early in the morning Davian Martikov woke us up in a panic. He told us that there was a gem that fertilized the land around the winery, allowing for life to grow in the soil, but that the stone had been stolen. As such the livelihood of the Martikovs’ w...

08:00 pm - 01.05.2022


Aftering driving out the blights, we returned to the Martikovs and informed them that the Winery was secure, though the Druids had contaminated some of the wine with blood. In return he assured us that shipments of wine would be heading out to Vallaki and...

10:06 pm - 10.04.2022


Whilst clearing out the second floor before heading to the basement, we found out one of the doors opened onto a balcony above the winery. Hunched over one of the barrels, I saw another druid with one of the gnarled staves, which I promptly shot twice, fa...

12:39 am - 28.03.2022


We walked down the road for a few hours and encountered nothing out of the ordinary. Upon approaching the Vineyard, we were met by a man with a dark cowl. Upon approaching 8 more came out from the woods around him. We greeted him and upon his request, tol...

02:06 am - 21.03.2022


On our way to Vallaki we met a mob of peasants from Vallaki on their way to Strahd's Castle. Emilia managed to diffuse the situation, but her efforts were in vain. As we parted ways we heard their screams from behind us as they were massacred. We passed b...

12:44 am - 14.03.2022


On our way to Vallaki we met a mob of peasants from Vallaki on their way to Strahd's Castle. Emilia managed to diffuse the situation, but her efforts were in vain. As we parted ways we heard their screams from behind us as they were massacred. We passed b...

12:42 am - 14.03.2022


We went around the outside of the walls of the castle. We fought with a guard, and hurled it off the walls of the castle. Upon falling we learned it was an animated armor. We continued along the walls until we entered into the castle interior through one ...

01:28 am - 14.02.2022

Everything up until now

We’re looking for bones, last seen in a cart used for delivering coffins. The cart was last seen in the possession of a drunkard named Bluto. Bluto was last seen heading to lake Zarovich with his new “lucky charm''. His house is abandoned and filled ...

02:55 am - 31.01.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Vernon.

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