Captain Pike Card | World Anvil

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Captain Pike Card

"I used to be more than I am now. A Pirate Lord, terror of the seas. But those days are long gone. Now I am just a trader, bringing people to and from the Isle like some damn ferry boy. Is this all that there is left for me? Retirement on a fucking boat? My name was feared. The treasure we hauled were endless. And now, well, what now? I welcome the day that the Bitch Queen Umberlee drags my body down into the sea, giving me the rest that I now so long for."

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The Everlasting Promise
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The major events and journals in Pike Card's history, from the beginning to today.

Montgomery, I am setting sails again. Your caravan is unloaded and waiting for you in the docks. I will have one of my men contact you for the payment of our wages. Don't fucking die out there without sending the money our way. Got it?

06:07 am - 29.05.2021

"Please! Don't...I have nothing left to....ARGHHHH"

05:37 am - 29.05.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Pike Card.

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Other Characters by iDenna