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Erolith Lightcaller

3-Level Cleric

Campaign & Party

Played by
Sun 9th Jul 2023 12:45


by Erolith Lightcaller

  1. Decided we wanted to talk to the Adventurer's Guild
    • Thronus and Za'Jahad were able to determine the direction: three blocks away from the Purple Rose
    • Fairly large building: four stories tall
    • Training yard
    • Building next door is one of the main buildings for the College District, side by side, connected by training yard
    • Sturdy building: mixture of block as well as wood; mostly wood, but mix of brick and block
    • Door that is connected to the training ground; there are people practicing mage and archery skills, but we don't know who any of them are
  2. Entered the Adventurer's Guild
  3. Sus food in Adventurer's Guild
  4. We asked the two people at the counter whether we could join
  5. Laurel said we could join at level G if we filled out some paperwork and such
  6. We tried we convince them to let us in above level G but failed, but they said no, and Daphne was rude about it
  7. Laurel told Daphne she couldn't be that rude
  8. We did the paperwork to get our level G driver's licenses I mean adventurer's licenses
  9. Brukon Hardjaw offered three tests
  10. We chose to receive all three tests at once
    • Local/General: 1 bandit routing/monster killing
    • Caravan/Merchant Guild: 1 caravan guarding
    • College, Mage Division: 1 gathering alchemical gems needed (gems valued between 250-500g) (10 total)
  11. We successfully rolled to get out of the caravan test, since we have already done caravan escort missions
  12. We chose "Stairsways to Nowhere" for the college
    • They're random stairways just appear randomly, sometimes with lights and noises; people sometimes disappear near the stairs
  13. We chose "Killing Wolves" for local/general
  14. Both the farm with the wolves and the stairways are nearby, at the border of Hesdor and Brastle Plains
  15. We decided to head to the stairs first
  16. We want to ask the locals about the stairs
  17. We walked into a general store and asked two old guys who were playing a game
  18. We got friendly with the two guys who told us a bit about the stairs and warned us to stay away
  19. We walked into the town hall to check the archives for records about the stairs
  20. We were given a copy of the records
    • Observations of their activity from 1276 to 1283
    • No real pattern
    • Sometimes activated once a month, sometimes every couple days
    • Notes of people who went missing around the same time
  21. The stairs are mischievous-feeling and reminiscient of the stairs in the temple of Ramses; they came from a deity, such as Argaldo (who is mischievous)
  22. We climbed the stairs, tried bleeding on them, tried putting a dagger on them, and camped out on them for a few days, but nothing happened.
  23. Headed back to the college with this info, where we were told the quest was complete, but were told we could come back in a few days for another question to find more info

The major events and journals in Erolith's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 13: Negotiating with the Wolves

12:29 am - 29.10.2023

Session 13: Negotiating with the Wolves

10:24 pm - 28.10.2023

Session 12: Meeting of the Wolves

02:53 am - 01.10.2023

Session 12: Meeting of the Wolves

10:39 pm - 30.09.2023

Session 11: Adventurer's Guild Beginner Quest

02:58 am - 09.09.2023

Session 11: Adventurer's Guild Beginner Quest

11:49 pm - 08.09.2023

Session 10

12:46 am - 09.07.2023

Session 10

12:46 am - 09.07.2023

session 9: underwater.... again!

01:13 am - 21.06.2023

session 9: underwater.... again!

10:58 pm - 20.06.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Erolith.

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