Dodger | World Anvil

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Survivor (Wanderer), Level 4

Dodger tends to be quiet and fairly antisocial, especially in large groups. She never stays in one place long enough to make friends, let alone acquaintances, so her social skills are severely lacking.

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1st of March, 2277

Job Report (Addendum) - 1st of March, 2277

by Dodger

This is an addendum to the rundown of the events of March 1st, 2277, notated for future reference and study:
Group made contact with one Aasir, a founding member and current leader of Nuka City, in regards to a payout of the pre-war money acquired from the bank
Initial negotiations tentative, no deal finalized
Talks interrupted by unknown assailant, robotic in origin, further research required
Assailant resembles stories heard back east, robots replacing humans in secret
Assailant unmistakably targeting the vault dweller known as Jack Sullivan, further research required
Assailant armed with advanced weaponry, killing several security guards in opening salvo
In an act of desperation (or possibly insanity), the vault dweller injected a tame deathclaw with what looked to be Ultra Jet
Assailant was heavily armored, unable to stand up to the blows of aforementioned chem-fueled deathclaw
Assailant fled after sustaining critical damage to its frame, attempted self-destruction instead of capture
Assailant was deactivated by modded eyebot mentioned in original report, usefulness of robotic companion noted
Negotiations halted for the day, pending resumption the following day

Dodger's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Dodger's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Dodger.

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Other Characters by Azryel