Sky | World Anvil

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Lawful Good Tabaxi (Criminal)
Rogue 3
21 / 21 HP

The Stray Tabaxi.

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Fri 26th Aug 2022 11:08

Dream Of Fish and Scorpions

by Sky

Sky was somewhere on the docs, it was quiet.... Very uncanny for Halseamer's harbour. Eventually as he decided to fish admist the environment, suddenly his vision got blurred by the mist surrounding the area. He can't help but to feel something weird is going on yet.... He also feel it as a sense of familiarity.
When he looked to the side, a walkaway that wasn't supposed to be there suddenly appeared. The curiosity has gotten to the cat, and so shall he walk to the unknown road.
As he walked, a projection of people dear to him suddenly appeared one by one, the first
being a project of Minato, his beloved.... Sky tried to reach for it but he knows it's just an illusion and he might just end up diving into the ocean if he so inclided to chase him.
Later the projections varies from the members of golden guilds, people close to him.... Hirai, Rusu... Sunshine... And the final one being Tamar, yet his illusion was fading so quickly or glitching, but Sky doesn't know those terms yet.
At the last step, the bottle he drifted to the sea was seen floating near his feet.
Is he trapped inside someone's illusion? yet there's no malice to the intention. Sky doesn't feel dread, and only curiosity fills the cat.
He then saw, a man.
He was dressed in a ragged cloak, the bottom part looked like it was torn apart. He looks old for his appearance and he wears something similar to a crown on his head. At glance, he looked like he was already sitting quite a while, with the buckets filled with small fishes. At glance, he looked like a king for Sky.
Sky doesn't know what to do and thus just approach the man from behind, greeting him. The old man replied gently as he ask Sky if he wants to fish with him. To which Sky replied with a nod and sitting besides him, preparing to cast the line.
As they were introducing each other, Sky learned that the man was named Gunner.
The Cat stole a peek at the inside of his coat and saw something unfamiliar, it looks like a weapon... Yet he's not sure. But contrary to keeping it quiet, Sky just immediately ask what is that on his coat.
The old man laughed, he took out the heavy looking weapon, the man explained that the weapon goes by many names, and Sky can call it whatever he wants. To the people reading this, of course, it's what you've known to be a gun, and Sky was handed the Revolver, a type of handgun, with a scorpion logo on the handle.
As Sky was holding it, he can feel tremendous excitement and wanted to try. Yet his heart was beating so fast, thinking that this thing is more lethal compared to other weapons he have used before.
He almost pull the trigger, fortunately he knows it's dangerous if he pushed it so he returned the revolver back to Gunner. After a while Gunner told a story of how he once had a cat, who was always besides him and grew together with him, he wasn't sure if it was a cat as they grew bigger and bigger than normal cat.
While he was distracted in awe while listening to the story, the fishing pole Sky already casted suddenly caught up, with quick wit, Sky immediately took the rod and try to reel it back in. Yet he was not strong enough, after that, Gunner took his weapon and shoot the fish with a loud sound and blinding light. That took Sky by surprise, yet the fish doesn't move anymore.
To his surprise, it was actually a 2 meter tuna fish. and as Sky inspected closer, the eyes are holed from the shooting weapon Gunner have used. Sky thanked him for helping him catching something that should have been impossible and yet the man just laugh, telling Sky it was all his hard work.
Sky retorted by saying Gunner also helped plenty, so they decided it was time to cut the fish in half after a long discussion and Sky being all pushy.
The old man then told him a story of how the fish catch could also be read as a fortune telling. If what Sky caught was something huge, then it could mean that Sky will receive something huge in the future, yet he should always lower his head and try not to get ahead of himself once he received something like that. It was a wisdom from the man, and Sky just felt nostalgic since it's been a while since he heard something similar like that.
After they shared the fish, the old man said it was his time to go. Once again he reach out to Sky for a handshake. And Sky accepted that.
The air that was warm before, suddenly turned cold.
Before the man forgot, however.... He put off the necklace he has been wearing. It was in the symbol of a scorpion. The man told him he could sell it, keep it..... But he also told Sky to consider it as a key.
Sky didn't know what he meant by that but then just accept the outcome of it, he wore it immediately and the man just bid his farewell to Sky, also thanking him for his kindness by sharing the fish, he hope one day that action helps Sky in a way.
When Sky looked to Gunner's back who already walked far, suddenly a silhouette of a puma bowed down to Sky and followed Gunner together. And they vanished within the mist.
Sky who was still there, suddenly blacked out and once again awaken, he is now in the familiar Halseamer dock that where he was supposed to fish. The sliced tuna wasn't there, but....
The necklace, was there with him.

Sky's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. A Small Conversation Over Some Drink.
    17 Jul 2022 09:26:37
  2. A Sky Colored in Greys
    13 Aug 2022 07:48:11
  3. Dream Of Fish and Scorpions
    26 Aug 2022 11:08:08

The major events and journals in Sky's history, from the beginning to today.

Dream Of Fish and Scorpions

Sky was somewhere on the docs, it was quiet.... Very uncanny for Halseamer's harbour. Eventually as he decided to fish admist the environment, suddenly his vision got blurred by the mist surrounding the area. He can't help but to feel something weird is g...

11:08 am - 26.08.2022

A Sky Colored in Greys

It's been two weeks since i've arrived here, living here has been great, it was peaceful. I didn't expect the life in Sinkey will be more calming than the one i had in Halseamer. The grandfather priest who accepted me after i did some delivery service ...

07:48 am - 13.08.2022

A Small Conversation Over Some Drink.

Waktu itu, Sky sedang duduk di tavern Sinkey sendirian dan tiba-tiba seseorang yang familiar datang menghampirinya, duduk didepannya. Walau baru kemarin, Sky kaget kenapa Bajogg bisa ada disini, lalu dia menceritakan bahwa ada sesuatu yang harus dia la...

09:26 am - 17.07.2022

Weird place, so i can say anything i want here?

07:08 am - 30.06.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Sky.

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