Charlotte Althea Thundlebrigg | World Anvil

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Charlotte Althea Thundlebrigg

a cheerful little lass, small even next to her kin Charlie is an inventor of the strange and curious, only so to match her even stranger and most unique personality.

The major events and journals in Charlotte's history, from the beginning to today.

Hello! my name is Charlie~ Charlie Thundlebrigg! I love to create and build little clockwork friends, and now i have made more new friends!! :D it has been so crazy since we arrived in Elshire, you know~ the kids here were sick with some mysterious thing! We found the cure though, oh i got sick too but i'm super tough so i did not go to bed. Eldy was very worried but i'm okay now but only after the kids were okay first.

01:15 am - 18.07.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Charlotte.