Allem Lithaar | World Anvil

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Allem Lithaar
Whistling Scourge

This Mercenary Sailor has made the trip to and from the Crystal Island many times. Allem is strong, cunning, and intimidating, especially with his sling skills. He values loyalty amongst his crew and despises organized ruling classes beyond his mates.

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Tue 15th Jun 2021 01:02

Haunting of Hilltop Second Entry

by Allem Lithaar

We defeated the reanimated villagers. This time.
One of the villagers who wasn't turned helped us fight them off.
Frustratingly my sling attacks didn't work. To kill these creatures, we have to aim for their chest and destroy the core. A red light pops when successful. These red lights appear to be related to the Lumen Stone Mine. The lights come in waves, and time between waves is getting faster.
Our new villager friend knows a way to the mine, we are about to go in.
I suggest we hire some villagers to distract the undead on the other side of the village, but my idea is ignored. Begrudgingly I agree to sneak into the camp. In order to make up for no distraction, I will use my slings to cause a smaller distraction. Maiden curse us for rashly running into danger. Not pleased, but here we are. Reason a crew needs a captain to stop and think.

Allem's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Haunting of Hilltop First Entry
    10 Jun 2021 01:47:57
  2. Haunting of Hilltop Second Entry
    15 Jun 2021 01:02:48

The major events and journals in Allem's history, from the beginning to today.

Haunting of Hilltop Second Entry

We defeated the reanimated villagers. This time. One of the villagers who wasn't turned helped us fight them off. Frustratingly my sling attacks didn't work. To kill these creatures, we have to aim for their chest and destroy the core. A red light pops...

01:02 am - 15.06.2021

Haunting of Hilltop First Entry

Heading to village of Swesh Two companions, fairly reliable. Get along well. Good group problem solving. Path under the trees crossing the river People aren't coming back, we have been sent to investigate Ambushed by a pack of goblins. Easily dispatc...

01:47 am - 10.06.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Allem.

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