Lucky Lightfoot | World Anvil

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Lucky Lightfoot

Dashing leprechaun out in search of new stories to tell.

No clue
Played by
Instant Karma
Other characters
Mon 26th Oct 2020 08:18

The Battle of the Red Wizard Rebellion

by Lucky Lightfoot

I've been telling stories to the people of Waterdeep in my free time. I wanted a new one to tell so I spoke to Tyrus and got a better idea of what happened while he and Fredrik were off fighting Zas Tam's army. I might have thrown in an embellishment or two but that's what makes for a good story. Anyways, it's my new favorite story to tell at the Prancing Penguin. It goes like this...
Our protagonists, The Order of Heroes had a job to do. There was just one problem. The Red wizard rebellion did not have the means to hold back the armies of Zaz Tam. Without hesitation, Tyrus, The Captain of the forces of Mirabar in the North and the Man Bear, Fredrik the Battle Rager, volunteered their services.The rest of the Order waved goodbye to their friends for the time being and continued on to complete their mission.
Just as soon as Fredrik and Tyrus stepped back through the portal to help the rebellion, the floor and walls of the cave hideout shook violently. Bolting to the overhang in the cliff wall they could see thousands of soldiers advancing on their position. The Red wizards on the cliff overhang were slinging spells at a remarkable rate, barrels of spell scrolls standing beside each one of them. But despite their best efforts, Zas Tam’s forces were still pushing through, wave after wave.
The rebel leader looked at the two of them, “I don’t know what you can do or what you are capable of, but please. Help us hold this position.” Fredrik and Tyrus exchanged a look and immediately ran to the cliff edge. Fredrik, roaring like a bear, jumped right off the edge to the surprise of everyone present except his friend. Tyrus also ran to the edge and jumped. Spinning 180* in the air, he shot a steel arrow with a rope attached to it into the cliff overhang as he fell. The rope tightened around the makeshift harness Tyrus had made for himself as he repelled down the cliff face. Taking advantage of his slowed descent, he loosed arrow after arrow into the black mass of soldiers in the not to far distance.
Fredrik, having jumped with no safety measure in place, seemed to shake the very mountain when he hit the ground in a flawless three point landing. Slowly rising from the ground, he cracked his neck and reached for his spear. Then he charged head first into the battle bellowing, “Kneel before Fredrik, king of the mountain!”
It was not until they reached the ground that they noticed, these soldiers were nearly all undead. Zombies, whites, skeletons and the like were all part of the onslaught. Fredrik ran to the first zombie and split it in two with a mighty swing. Then the second and the third fell, and then the fourth. Although Fredrik was unaware of it, Tyrus was thinning the hoards running at his friend before they were able reach him. This worked for some time, until Fredrik was overrun.
Soon after, there were swarms of undead piling on top of him. Tyrus, now at the bottom of the cliff face and on the ground, slung his bow and pulled out his Mace of Terror. He ran forward just as the sun crested over the mountain.The light bounded from his silver shield and mace, blinding the surrounding enemy as he rushed into the fray. He activated the magical mace and terrified the undead pile of soldiers covering Fredrik. Most of them immediately ran from him screaming, “retreat!”
Tyus swiftly turned around and crushed a skeleton grabbing at his wolf cowl. As soon as his back was turned a zombie reached out and took a swing at him. Before the blow had landed, its head hit the muddy blood stained ground. Fredrik had decapitated it just in time. Now that the two were side by side, Tyrus stowed his mace and drew his great sword.
Just these two members of the Order of Heroes were able to hold the line of the undead army by themselves. They fought for hours. Members of the resistance came to help but would fall soon after they arrived. The spell slingers on the cliff overhang were doing a good job of keeping any new undead from entering into threatening territory.
After four and a half hours of fighting Tyrus and Fredrik stood back to back. The undead hoard was surrounding them, closing in on them. Our heroes were exhausted. Badly wounded and barely standing. They turned to exchange one last knowing glance before turning back to back again once more. Tyrus raised his great sword. Fredrik raised his spear.
Horns sounded in the distance. They were enemy horns, but they sounded different then before. The undead surrounding our heroes turned their heads at the sound of the horn and started to run. They the horns of retreat. Our heroes Tyrus, the Captain of the forces of Mirabar in the North and Fredrik, the Man Bear had won the day.

The major events and journals in Lucky's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 109: Keeping the Sword

09:44 pm - 18.05.2022

Session 109: Keeping the Sword

09:44 pm - 18.05.2022

Session 108: The Sword

09:32 pm - 11.05.2022

Session 108: The Sword

09:32 pm - 11.05.2022

Session 107 Finding Ducia

08:20 pm - 04.05.2022

Session 107 Finding Ducia

08:20 pm - 04.05.2022

Session 106: Finding Ducia

08:46 pm - 20.04.2022

Session 106: Finding Ducia

08:46 pm - 20.04.2022

Session 105: Purple Rocks Naval Batal

09:33 pm - 06.04.2022

Session 105: Purple Rocks Naval Batal

09:33 pm - 06.04.2022

Session 104: Purple Rocks pt. 2

09:47 pm - 30.03.2022

Session 104: Purple Rocks pt. 2

09:47 pm - 30.03.2022

Session 103: At the Purple Rocks

09:13 pm - 23.03.2022

Session 103: At the Purple Rocks

09:13 pm - 23.03.2022

Session 102: Whakin' the Kraken

09:51 pm - 16.03.2022

Session 102: Whakin' the Kraken

09:51 pm - 16.03.2022

Session 101: Leaving Gundarlun

10:36 pm - 09.03.2022

Session 101: Leaving Gundarlun

10:36 pm - 09.03.2022

Session 100: Shniska and...

10:11 pm - 02.03.2022

Session 100: Shniska and...

10:10 pm - 02.03.2022

Session 98: Voyage to the purple rocks part 2.

09:37 pm - 16.02.2022

Session 98: Voyage to the purple rocks part 2.

09:37 pm - 16.02.2022

Session 98: Voyage to the Purple Rocks.

09:05 pm - 09.02.2022

Session 98: Voyage to the Purple Rocks.

09:05 pm - 09.02.2022

Session 97: Building a Ship

10:24 pm - 02.02.2022

Session 97: Building a Ship

10:24 pm - 02.02.2022

Session 96

10:21 pm - 26.01.2022

Session 96

10:21 pm - 26.01.2022

Session 95: The young Elder Brain

10:58 pm - 19.01.2022

Session 95: The young Elder Brain

10:58 pm - 19.01.2022

Session 94: Escape from the Mind Flayer Lair

07:54 pm - 05.01.2022

Session 94: Escape from the Mind Flayer Lair

07:54 pm - 05.01.2022

Session 93: Deep in the Mind Flayer Lair

10:52 pm - 29.12.2021

Session 93: Deep in the Mind Flayer Lair

10:52 pm - 29.12.2021

Session 92: The Mind Flayer Lair

08:36 pm - 22.12.2021

Session 92: The Mind Flayer Lair

08:36 pm - 22.12.2021

Session 91: Mind Flayer Lair

10:37 pm - 15.12.2021

Session 91: Mind Flayer Lair

10:37 pm - 15.12.2021

Session 90: Elder Brain Dragon?!

10:27 pm - 08.12.2021

Session 90: Elder Brain Dragon?!

10:27 pm - 08.12.2021

Session 89: Mind Flayers

09:51 pm - 01.12.2021

Session 89: Mind Flayers

09:51 pm - 01.12.2021

Session 88: Raven Queen quest

10:15 pm - 24.11.2021

Session 88: Raven Queen quest

10:15 pm - 24.11.2021

SESSION 86: Mind Flayers in the Shadowfell

10:04 pm - 17.11.2021

SESSION 86: Mind Flayers in the Shadowfell

10:04 pm - 17.11.2021

SESSION 86: Deep in the Shadowfell

09:57 pm - 10.11.2021

SESSION 86: Deep in the Shadowfell

09:57 pm - 10.11.2021

Session 85: Into the Shadowfell

08:51 pm - 20.10.2021

Session 85: Into the Shadowfell

08:51 pm - 20.10.2021

Session 84: The Gala

02:16 am - 14.10.2021

Session 84: The Gala

02:15 am - 14.10.2021

Session 83

09:40 pm - 06.10.2021

Session 83

09:40 pm - 06.10.2021

Session 82

07:51 pm - 22.09.2021

Session 82

07:51 pm - 22.09.2021

Session 81: The Arch Lich Acererak

08:11 pm - 08.09.2021

Session 81: The Arch Lich Acererak

08:03 pm - 08.09.2021

Session 80: 5 Days to save Chipper part 12 (Day 3)

08:07 pm - 01.09.2021

Session 80: 5 Days to save Chipper part 12 (Day 3)

08:07 pm - 01.09.2021

Session 79: 5 Days to save Chipper part 11 (Day 3)

05:48 pm - 25.08.2021

Session 79: 5 Days to save Chipper part 11 (Day 3)

05:48 pm - 25.08.2021

Session 78: 5 Days to save Chipper part 10 (Day 3)

08:15 pm - 18.08.2021

Session 78: 5 Days to save Chipper part 10 (Day 3)

08:15 pm - 18.08.2021

Session 77: 5 Days to save Chipper part 8 (Day 3)

10:08 pm - 11.08.2021

Session 77: 5 Days to save Chipper part 8 (Day 3)

10:08 pm - 11.08.2021

Session 76: 5 Days to save Chipper part 8 (Day 2)

08:48 pm - 04.08.2021

Session 76: 5 Days to save Chipper part 8 (Day 2)

08:48 pm - 04.08.2021

Session 75: 5 Days to save Chipper part 7 (Day 2)

02:45 am - 29.07.2021

Session 75: 5 Days to save Chipper part 7 (Day 2)

09:27 pm - 28.07.2021

Session 74: 5 Days to save Chipper part 6 (Day 2)

02:05 am - 22.07.2021

Session 74: 5 Days to save Chipper part 6 (Day 2)

09:46 pm - 21.07.2021

Session 73: 5 Days to save Chipper part 5 (Day 2)

08:48 pm - 17.07.2021

Session 73: 5 Days to save Chipper part 5 (Day 2)

08:34 pm - 14.07.2021

Session 72: 5 Days to save Chipper part 4 (Day 2)

02:12 am - 08.07.2021

Session 72: 5 Days to save Chipper part 4 (Day 2)

10:03 pm - 07.07.2021

Session 71: 5 Days to save Chipper part 3 (Day 2)

02:12 am - 01.07.2021

Session 71: 5 Days to save Chipper part 3 (Day 2)

07:52 pm - 30.06.2021

Session 70: 5 Days to Save Chipper part 2

03:05 am - 24.06.2021

Session 70: 5 Days to Save Chipper part 2

08:57 pm - 23.06.2021

Session 69: 5 days to Save Chipper part 1

02:21 am - 17.06.2021

Session 69: 5 days to Save Chipper part 1

09:11 pm - 16.06.2021

Session 68: To Chult

11:07 pm - 04.06.2021

Session 68: To Chult

09:51 pm - 02.06.2021

Session 67: Red Яocks

02:16 am - 27.05.2021

Session 67: Red Яocks

02:16 am - 27.05.2021

Session 66: A Rest in Waterdeep

02:25 am - 13.05.2021

Session 66: A Rest in Waterdeep

12:06 am - 13.05.2021

Session 65: Cersei and Slim

01:54 pm - 06.05.2021

Session 65: Cersei and Slim

08:53 pm - 05.05.2021

Session 64: Gildon's Lair Part 2

04:09 pm - 29.04.2021

Session 64: Gildon's Lair Part 2

11:52 pm - 28.04.2021

Session 63: Gildon's Lair.

02:46 am - 22.04.2021

Session 63: Gildon's Lair.

09:51 pm - 21.04.2021

Session 62: Invasion of Gauntlgrym pt 2.

02:09 am - 15.04.2021

Session 62: Invasion of Gauntlgrym pt 2.

02:09 am - 15.04.2021

Session 61: The Invasion of Gauntlgrym

02:14 am - 08.04.2021

Session 61: The Invasion of Gauntlgrym

09:47 pm - 07.04.2021

Session 60: Chaos

03:07 am - 01.04.2021

Session 60: Chaos

10:42 pm - 31.03.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Lucky.

Played by
Instant Karma

Other Characters by Instant Karma